Aaron Jones' Amazing Stroke of Luck!

Oct 12, 2006 21:17

You can pretty much forget about reading long stories of adventures I've had. I changed the format from TYPE to PRINT and placed them in a notebook I'm calling The Life Adventure.

Anyway, on with my lucky day that was infact TODAY.

First...Everything was all normal. Then I realized Preston and Steve of the Preston and Steve show on 93.9WMMR were visiting Lucky Strike, the bowling lounge next door to my dorm building. Well I went there and waited but then i got bored after a while of them not showing up and me pretending to be on my phone so i didnt look like a loser who goes places without friends. On the way out guess who was coming in? Preston and Steve. I gave them a "GADZOOKS!" and a hand shake and left feeling satisfied.

Then I thought I'd go to the mall and blow my money at the GameStop. (Note:I cashed a refund check from the school that my mom told me to use to pay off a bit of my loan thing. so my funds had been replenished by 100 dollars. Money Curse solved? I think NOT) So I spent 20 bucks on a stradegy guide to a game I didnt have. On the way up the escalator what would I find caught in one of the steps? A five dollar bill! CHA-CHING. so it seems that i only spent 15 dollars! But wait...there's more!

Just as I was about to enter the building to my dorm I saw my friend Amy. I stopped to chat and then a man came up to us this is the conversation that followed-

"Ehhmm excuse me do you know where i can find some weed?" (Note: this man was very tall and very foreign. Later we would find out he is an Italian Business man about to leave the country)
"Uhmmm what?"- Me
"I was joost trying to find some weed and you two look like you might know where to get some"

Amy and I laughed at this because we DID in fact know where to get some. So I made a call do the only weedman i knew that was almost always on duty. No luck. Then I thought of some thing awesome, Id sell him MY weed that I had bought for the same price that I bought it at, even though I had already dipped my stoner hands into it. Well I made the transaction with the Italiano, who was more than happy to make the deal. And I got 10dollars (it was a dime bag) and some "TIP" for all the "trouble" he put me through. so maybe like 12 dollars. 12+5=17 so it seems now that I only spent 3 dollars at GameStop.


Im walking down the street and a huge gust of wind blows by. i hear a yelp in the distance and just as i turn around...a dollar blows between my legs. Turns out that a homeless dudes cup tipped over blowing away most of the contents. Now I know what your thinking...stealing from a homeless dude. SO WHAT?

So thats pretty much my day turned out awesome and I only ended up spending 2 dollars. The money curse may not be over but my luck is sure lookin up.

Keep it Coolin'
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