Aug 20, 2005 13:30
in a sense i have become the adult. helping people, and doing things my "me" doesn't want to ever deal with. i started my job at east resthaven, and i enjoy it. it is like everyone around me is repelled by me, and in essence will soon be back. like the infinity sign. all apart of the eternal game of tag.
have you ever been somewhere but already been there, then realise that you're looking at the past from the future, but not the present future. hmm..realise that you have already done the thing you're about to do. heh..probably not. i haven't found another like that. similiar. but not that way. or maybe the consequences would reach up and snatch it away.
i feel the pull somewhere. it happens without warning. and the fuzz becomes clear, or maybe goes away. and it unfolds. revealing everything, just to piss me off and run away again.
sometimes i feel sad. i feel sad for not being where i am in essence. i know where i will be. but i'm not there. and i feel sad for other reasons, but i don't like talking about them..sometimes i just feel sad, and my brain compensates for the lack of reasons. then i become that olde me. i hate anything backwards.
psha. brmc is kool. i'm listening to autolux who's gonna be with nin and qotsa later this month. man i wish i was going..i just feel like i'm doing something i'm not doing it that is. i need to go right and just stay there, not have to pay attention to where i'm going.
why don't i do this all the time....coz i'd rather want to than have to. it's more of a deep moment of emotions.