Mwahaha, Oden must think that since Daddy's gone, she and Mommy get to party!
John's getting together with his friends tonight, and as soon as he was out the door she started flying across the furniture!
..Now she's attacking the weird black glyphs that are mysteriously appearing on the massive white field on the Super Glowy Fun Screen. And she throws a look over her shoulder at me. Am I the one summoning these strange symbols?
And now she's off to check the laundry. Good kitty.
I hope she wasn't disappointed. It's always been my inexplicable inclination to clean and do chores when left to my own devices. Party? Only if there's a ranger and a cleric.
Now, I know there was a reason I was updating....
Ah! Cuteness! Now she has tired enough to lay her head across my wrist!
Anyhow.. John's off with his buddies, so I'll fashion myself some manner of paltry gruel for supper. I made a hearty meal last night! Some lemony chicken and mushrooms with creamy sauce, and spinach with dijon and bacon -- and John didn't make a single crude joke when I realized we'd bought the wrong kind of chicken breasts and needed to bone them! How gentlemanly, no? And he made an antipasti salad to go with the rest.
It all turned out to be a great success!
In other news, some --
Wow! Does my little kitty know Italian? She perked up, staring straight at the speakers as soon as the singing in this song began.
Oh, oh.. And.. slowly.. The lights are on, but no one's home. Back to shnoozing.