
May 28, 2011 13:24

So, I've always known I was a boy and things and I'm finally coming to terms with it by calling myself one, my mom won't call me that but I know that you guys will and so I want a fresh start so I'm moving livejournals.

Um, if you guys have questions about transgender stuff or what's going on with me don't be afraid to ask, I'm not gonna bite your head off about it. I've just come to terms with it and I want to start over. If you want to add if I know you, just add me and I'll add you back. If you don't wanna be friends anymore that's cool too, I'll understand. radges

I love you guys, and I'm gonna leave you with this video cause I think it sorta helps people have more of an understanding.

image Click to view

ETA: The link isn't working, don't know why. My username is: radges (the Scottish word for crazy with an S at the end) so there you go.
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