Jul 12, 2006 02:39
it took me forever to figure out my user name and password again but i finally got it. I havent updated this in like a year. I moved back to tennessee. my girlfriend and i broke up like 2 months ago which is why im awake at 3 in the morning with a massive headache...i tried to work things out with her but she doesnt want to talk to me. everytime i would call her guy friends would answer the phone and be like "joes pool hall eight ball speaking" no doubt it was some skanky fucker from best buy who smokes and is ugly as hell. i think its funny... the choices people make.. we did fight a lot but i think anyone would fight with this girl, she never cleaned up after herself she had this dog that was shitting all over the apartment, and the whole time we were together she never had a license. she always had a hard time paying her share of the bills and many times i had to pay some of her part if not all of her part. she moved one of her friends in once that i had to end up kicking out, she never paid anything, she stayed a few months then i had to kick her out because her bf pablo grabbed my x's boob .. when we were together i did like her and enjoy being around her in the begining of the relationship but driving her around and helping her get a job got real old real fast and then other problems just piled up on top of that.. after all this has happened, after 2 years of spending everyday together i find myself trying to figure out what it was i even loved about her..: / i really cant remember or maybe i can but what has happened for the past 2 months makes me not want to.. its crazy... 2 weeks before we broke up she wanted to get married then she got engaged to another guy... something i will never forget.. if i learned anything from this its not to date people with problems and try to help them out, they end up using you and leaving you in the end..