Event: Weekly Rewatch: Season 1, Episode 3, The Fun in Funeral

May 15, 2016 16:16

Weekend No.3 , Episode No. 3 from season 1!

Here we go again Pie-Holers!

Let's get watching and discussing this weeks episode: The Fun in Funeral!

My notes and thoughts below the cut.

  • He wears a glove to touch alive again fruit. he should do the same to hold Chuck's hand. Don't you think so?
  • Alfredo's fear is so crazy to me, I can see how that would be terrifying if it was a risk of happening.
  • Wouldn't you be better for knowing someone didn't want you so you didn't waste your time going for them? (Olive talking to Emerson about Ned)
  • I love Emerson's scooting Chuck out of the booth. That's why I never sit on the inside.,
  • Ned pisses me off in this episode. Listen to Emerson. he doesn't really speak unless it's needed. It was needed this time around. "Future me is here now and he has something to say."
  • I wouldn't have felt bad for letting someone die to keep Chuck alive. Only because he turned out to be a bad person. If it was just a regular person I would for sure have guilt.
  • There are such great quotes in this episode. It's Homeopathic, Herbal Crack Den
  • So horrible to receive a postcard after someone has died. Does that happen?
  • The extras shouting at Luis Shatz make me laugh. Are they just shouting jibberish?
  • Emerson running as fast as possible away from the funeral home makes me laugh so much. "Oh Hell No!"
  • I wonder how many funeral homes have a theft problem like this one?
  • How do you not notice a dead body in your refridgerator right away?
  • Would you have delivered the pie to the Aunts?
  • Ew! Who the hel actually eats tongue?!?!
  • Does no one notice someone being wheelbarreled into a funeral home? It's the middle of the day!
  • An asian with a southern accent is so hilarious!
  • To keep all those stolen things in the funeral home is so stupid and risky
  • I love how Ned's robe matches the wrapping on all those gifts.

s01e03, !event: weekly rewatch, !event, discussion: weekly rewatch, general: discussion, season 1

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