
Apr 28, 2009 15:32

So... Since last fall I locked my account to just me, my eyes only. There have been posts, been snippets or catches of writing. All locked because I didn't want to have drama. To worry about what people would see of my writing and then make comments about it. I locked myself into a bubble.

One of the things that happened was I started to expand upon my social life, or rather the non-existence of it. I started hanging out with KC and her roommates. I started storytelling again. I rediscovered, haha... my love for storytelling... For being out and social. Liam really started to thrive too. It's been a rough couple of years at the family.. and it's rough to be student, employee, mom and house slave... but I think, for hte most part, I've gotten used to the multitude of hats I need to wear (Even if my patience is decreased.)

But it wasn't until today that I missed having a forum for my voice. I have stories that I'm writing, things that I'm doing and I miss having a place to put them, to communicate what's going on.. There's going to be no frustrated unlocked private rants of stress or sadness, because there's no point to them and that negative energy logged for all time (or until someone blows up some servers n hard drives..) is just not something I want or need carried around with me.

---So First, I suppose a small, very small update on my life.

I'm ending my second semester at Cal State Fullerton as an English major. I've only three more to go before I graduate with my Bachelors. I've decided to continue my education and get a Masters in English: Writing, or English: Creative writing and my teaching credential so that I can try to change lives of students who are struggling with English writing. I still have trouble writing a more analytical paper (or one very structured) but my creative writing classes are giving me enough hope that my 'writing' of stories leaves only improvement and that I can do what my dreams are.

In addition, this month I hope to finish a story worthy of publishing. I'm not sure if it will be or not, but I suspect my English Professor will tell me if it's worthy or not. I'm going to hopefully be submitting it to a few places and maybe start my pink slip wall. Either way, I'm following through on my dreams and that's important to me.

Liam's finishing up the first grade in the next few months. He's growing into a very handsome, honorable boy who does his mother proud. Recently Liam became a "Master White Belt" in Red Dragon Karate. I'm only a 1 stripe white belt (and adults don't get "master" class white belts.. But as I'm only about a month behind Him in lessons, I'm still having lots of fun getting more active. My Seihan (Master instructor) recently told me my forms were solid and I was going in the right direction. I hope to do all of my sensei's proud and in 5ish years, get a black belt. (My ultimate goal.) Liam is at least encouraged to get up to blue belt, but I hope he gets his black belt too. :P

I'm also finishing up my 1 and 1/2 years working at Chaffey College as the BAT web developer. I'm very proud of the progress the website has made under my hands. I'm not sure, if under the budget crisis's of California, if I'll be hired back next year, and really that's okay.I would like to have more time to focus on school/home/mommy fun then trying to split myself up into more ways. Still, it's been great work experience and it's still another thing I can put on my resume.

I've recently reclaimed the domain from my first excursions onto the internet. I decided to switch hosting companies after two years to something cheaper with more features so I could run my own forums for my VtM game, Unhinged Humanity... I'm actually really happy with the direction the chronicle is taking, even if the next three weeks are going to be hard dealing with finals. (well, twoish now.) Ah, so when I went looking for a domain name I found I could re-purchase my old one. I decided that's what I wanted to do.

Sort of a call back to my roots. Settling back against the old and familiar while I continue to expand into the beyond. And I came to realize that in doing so that I should renew my vow to write everyday, perhaps just exercises for writing. But really practice what I'm writing.

I think that I'm slowly becoming the person I always wanted to see in the mirror. Hell, since starting karate I've actually started to be able to look in the mirror.

Anyway, Liam's almost done with his homework and I need to go start dinner, as that's my responsibility now in the family. One of many but that's what happens in tight times.

He's currently filling out a paper "about me" and he said his favorite hobby was roleplaying.

:P So my child. I've been letting him play in Harpeah. He's slowly getting it. I look forward to when I can start teaching him how to story tell. He wants a Dad, but I am still very picky and my most recent foray into the dating game after 2ish years sort of is flickering on me. I like the guy a lot, but well, he's not filling that hole I need. Though the relationship has taught me a lot about myself as far as what I really need in a conversation.

Ah, homework is offically done. Enough talking. :) Until tomorrow!

Joy (Aka M.E.W.)

silence broken

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