Jul 08, 2013 12:26
After a relaxing weekend away, I have to go teach today. I'm really not ready to, even though it's only for a short time. I need another day to ease back into reality before I can dive back into teaching. Plus, I was ridiculous today and got ready an hour early, thinking I taught an hour earlier than I do. What was I thinking? I have no idea. So, now I have all this time to kill before I go teach. I hate that. It's like just waiting to go and get it all over with for the day.
I'm grumpy, moody, and brooding. Because I teach from 2-4, I'm always starving when I get out. It would seem like the perfect time to teach, but I usually eat too early. I bring a snack, but I get out and I'm always a little on the shaky side.
So, I guess I'm just grumbling about having to go back to work. Same as everyone else today.