Volume 32, Issue#964

Jan 22, 2016 21:46

The Cybertronian

Fiction Edition
16-22 Jan 2016

Editor's Note
Quite a lot to read this week, enjoy! If there's anything needs changing or adding, just let me know.


K Fics (G)

fuzipenguin, Puppy Love Aus, Chapter 3 [G1, Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, Ratchet, schmoop, twincest]
silberstreif, The Ascention, Part 5 [AU (noble), Prowl, Smokescreen, Hoist, Flatline, OCs]
Lord Darth of Darkness, Chapters 6-9 [G1, pre-war AU, Prowl/Jazz]

K+ Fics (PG)

Bibliotecaria-D, Third Wheel, Chapter 5 [G1, Smokescreen, Jazz, Prowl, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Wheeljack, Jazz]

T Fics (PG-13)

4thelurvofnerds, Who Did This To You? [G1, Prowl/Jazz]
Someone's Going to Catch Us [G1, Jazz/Prowl]
To Talk of Many Things [IDW, Megatron/Rung, fluff]

dragonofdispair, Hand Job [TFP, Knock Out/Starscream]
fractalserpent and hopeofdawn , Giants of the earth, Chapter 31 [Bayverse/Iron Giant crossover, the Giant, Bumblebee, Megatron, Optimus Prime, Sunstreaker, Soundwave, ensemble]
kit_summerisle, Swap [G1, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Prowl, body swap]
missmaryr, Dance of Sparks, Chapter 7 [multi-continuity Au, mostly G1, Starscream, Fireflight, Bluestreak, Skywarp, Barricade, Skydive, Soundwave, OCs]

M Fics (R)

fuzipenguin, A Snippet of Sound [G1, Bluestreak/Jazz, Bluestreak/Ratchet, established relationship, open relationships, BDSM, Dom/sub, paddling]
Surviving [G1, Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, implied torture and maiming, suicidal thoughts]
Dangerous Fluids [G1, Mikaela/Sideswipe, xeno]

naboru_narluin, Windcut, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of 4 [G1 Au, pre-war, Blast Off/OC, OCs, fluff, crack, slice of life, p'n'p]

MA Fics (NC-17)

12drakon, Fics and Fears, Chapter 7 [TFP, Megatron/Bumblebee, Megatron/Starscream, Megatron/Soundwave/Starscream, graphic violence, rape/noncon, torture, psychological torture, interrogation, sticky, bondage, p'n'p, BDSM]
4thelurvofnerds, I always wanted a pet. Now I have you [IDW, Drift/Perceptor, sticky, D/s, master/pet]
Getting Dirty Before Getting Clean [IDW, Drift/Perceptor]
Slices of Cake (Various Pairings) [various, Jazz/Ratchet, Jazz/Prowl, Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, Jazz/Perceptor, Drift/Ratchet, Rung/Wing]

dellessa, Bots and Pieces, Parts 16-22 [fusion with Red vs Blue, Allison/The Director, Church/Tex, Tucker/Washington, North/York, Grif/Simmons, Donut/Doc, Delta/North/York, ensemble, AU fusion, violence, swearing, child abuse, child neglect, canonical character death, mechpreg, mepreg, imprisonment, medical procedures]
fuzipenguin, How to Train Your Twins [G1, Bluestreak/Sideswipe/Sunstreaker, Bluestreak/Ratchet, BDSM, D/s, whipping, open relationships, twincest]
pl2363 and wicked3659, Entanglements [G1/IDW, Prowl/Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Jazz, Optimus Prime, ratchet, Wheeljack, First Aid, Trailbreaker, Mirage, Hound, Autobot ensemble, no content advice specified]
wicked3659, Once Upon a Time in Polyhex [G1/IDW, Prowl, Jazz, OCs, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Optimus Prime, Warpath, murder mystery, wrongful imprisonment, graphic violence]

Plotbunnies & Challenges

tf_rare_pairing weekly requests and new prompts

tfiwts {Transformers Fanfic I want to see}

None this week

Fic Recs

None this week

Beta requests

None this week


None this week

friday, fiction, fic edition

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