The Cybertronian
Awards, Graphics and Meta Issue
May 3 - 9, 2012
Editor's Note
It's either very thin on the ground this week, or I've missed something. If its the former, go make some icons or something ;), if it's the latter, poke me until I add whatever I've missed. Thanks.
Awards & Contests
April Contest has begun @
competition_fun Weekly Speedwriting prompts @
tf_speedwriting Weekly rare pairing prompts @
tf_rare_pairing Icons and Graphics
None this week!
New Communities
None this week!
RPGs looking for Member
Dawning Age of Cybertron Looking for Partners
None this week!
2.12 Tunnel Vision @
tf_prime [SPOILERS]
None this week
None this week
Iridescent cover @
tf2007funcapslock_tf Discussion
Toy Photoshoots
G1 Thundercracker tfmech_exchange - Character Reference Sheets:
None this week!