Jan 03, 2007 11:25
well i can't NOT have a token new year's post, right? right.
i've been wanting so badly to post one million pictures but something's wrong with my partition (JUST MINE!) of the external drive and some photos won't open and now i will cry blood.
2006 was probably the... craziest? funnest? confuzzlingest? year ever. but it was all so
i don't know. great. awesome. lovely. i think i met the most people this year. as in, one tawsan million people.
new year's eve and my mom decided to give us the Trust Talk aka Sex Talk over chicken pasta and sukiyaki. well more of "we trust you cos you've earned it" talk.
i hope i don't ever ever let you down.
ping said it so right though. one of the biggest reasons why i know i'm going to be great one day is because i'm surrounded by genius. ping said it and i second the (e)motion. i love my friends. dear God do i love those daily saviors of my sanity.
thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who believed me when i said "i don't want to be addicted to drunkenness anymore". i know it's a slow change but it's a sure one.
to everyone who said "you can't change, you're a bitch". because i like watching people eat their words. i carry a salt and pepper shaker around, that's how much i like watching people eat their words. but it's for me too, cos too many times in the past couple of years have i eaten my own blahblahs. blah.
i'm sorry for saying "you can't change, you're a bitch". i'm not sure i said it really, but just in case, i didn't mean to hurt you. i never mean to.
hahaha i'm so sleepy but we have a meeting. you know why we have a meeting?
cos we're going to conquer the world this year. you better take my word for it.
i had several whatever romances and found two true loves last year.
one's skinny, one's titanium. (adamantium?)
i can feel 07 running through my veins at this very moment. it feels very hot, and cold, and it hurts but it feels good too. much like love. so i guess this is a year of love and greatness. i'm surrounded by it. i hope i get filled by it.
i love you God. you never gave up on me, and you never will. you're so great that way. i wanna be like you.
hellos and goodbyes, i had a lot of those last year too. but i'm glad i said them when i did, cos it brought me here, to this very second, waiting for kaity to wake up so we can start the day. start the year.
so we can start!
i love you you you you and you.
hello :)
dumedestiny's child