Closeup of the haircurl (it's still giving me trouble D8)
Just...ignore all the bishounen pictures behind me, okay @_@
Oh Romano, you're such a fat kid D888
Stop eating all those tomatoes...
I thought cherry tomatoes might be more appropriate for Chibimano XDD
Every time I do this, I can't unsee Spain taking these pictures without Romano realizing it...because he's too busy nomming orz;;
This was really hard to do by myself, and stuck in my room...but Reagan was kind enough to take the last picture for me, once I realized it was safe to go outside ._.
Still need to:
-Sew the armbands to the sleeves (omg they SLIIIDE DX)
-Sew ribbon or something to the cape to tie it shut
-Get crosses (Catholic Rome, hurr)
-Sew a "tutu" for added chub bulk CHIBI
-Make the damn haircurl behave X_x
-...Take off that nail polish. SHIT DX
But yeah. Chibi!Romano! Took me about four days XD