Okay V...can I call you V? You asked for it >:D
And the scary part is, it all works very well...except I can’t see her as a Toreador Antitribu and she’s DEFINITELY not that old x.x;;;
Elyse as a Malkavian would just be completely NUTS. ::HIDES:: No...pun intended.... O.o
Whoaho. Tzimisce....are...not...independent....X_X This is twitchy.
One more, because I think it will amuse Ran to no end...
And now for Dirai....to appease the poor Nosferatu....
Okay, apparently....that didn’t work. Now she’s ranting and raving about Tremere...again. Ugh. Well, the thing’s got one more shot to get something right...
CRAP >_< You know, she WAS in a good mood. Thanks a lot, stupid quiz...::mutter mutter::
Argh...well, back to studying for me. That should make her happy, in any case. ::Thanks the Hime for the idea::