Interesting Meme

Apr 28, 2006 00:00

Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter in your journal, including an explanation what the word means to you and why, and than pass out letters to those who want to play along.

ariellen gave me "M"

1. Maryland - It's where I go to school. Duh ^^; Maryland has been an interesting experience so definitely has its ups and downs (though I'm sure I've written more about the downs here than the ups x.x; ), but I'm definitely starting to cope with it all. There's not a place in the world in which I'm going to feel completely comfortable all the time, and for now where I am is where I need to make do. As I'm there longer and longer I'm sure I'll get more and more comfortable with it...for now, I concentrate on my schoolwork and try not to get involved with all the wangst passing around my friends/acquaintances at school....seems to be working so far, and having a roommate keeps me from getting too lonely :) And and! Four weeks during summer semester I have a cherrytenshi a mile or two away! All is good ^_^

2. Mother 2 - C'mon, y'all knew this would be in here somewhere :D Aka Earthbound, my favorite game hands down, and probably a good part of what encouraged me to be such a weirdo :D It was the subject of my first crappy fanfiction which none of you will ever read, ever ever and is so many ways. Also after waiting for almost eleven years, its sequel came out in Japan a week ago. Eagerly....waiting for>>

3. Manga - Anime's counterpart~~ I used to not be a big fan of manga....especially when compared to anime of the same title. Now that I'm more knowledgeable of both, I tend to pick up one or the other of a series and if I like it enough, I'll move onto the other half. Have to say, though, I'm still generally a bigger anime fan than a manga fan--but two series in particular I like the manga better of are DNAngel and Fushigi Yuugi. DNAngel because...the anime sucked storyline-wise (even though the art is gorgeous)....and I found the FY anime rather confusing. And although I luff the Full Moon manga, the anime edges it out just a little for me.

But there's a second reason I chose this word~~! See, for those of you who have been hiding under a rock not been reading my LJ lately or at all closely, I am in the middle of working on not one but two manga, in separate (but the seams are blurring slooooooowly) collaborative efforts with my vunderful artsy friends gryfeathr and cherrytenshi. In fact, the latter, HorizoN, is slated to hit the web sometime very soon, so wait for it! It's been a year tomorrow in the works, folks!! [/totally, totally SHAMELESS plug] It's also worth pointing out that both main characters in these manga have names that start with "M." Totally by accident, I swear x.x

4. Music - Music has aaaaalways been a big part of my life. I can remember many frantic searches for a certain tape of music in my dad's car that my cousins, my brother, and I would always listen to while we were in the car together, and we would always sing along. I can remember all the words to the songs on another tape that I always used to go to bed to. I remember singing along to all the Disney soundtracks at my grandparents' house when we visited IL. I remember loving the silly plays in elementary school and learning all the new songs. I remember being SO excited to finally start playing an instrument in 4th grade, and being in a singing group in middle school. I remember watching Eastern's chorale from my little seat in the auditorium and thinking just how amazing it would be to be a part of that. (It would have been if the damn thing hadn't collapsed -_-) It's always been a lasting challenge for me, too, something that never came just naturally. At times, it's been a source of triumph and a source of frustration, but I continue to love it for the magic it seems to create when I get it just right. Anyway, these days, I keep music in my life as best I can, listening to it every day and singing when I can and it won't make people stare at me too much...heh. But music is always something I've needed direction with...outside of an organized singing group, I can feel my range shortening a little and my talent falling a bit away....but I remain hopeful. Maybe someday I'll find a singing organization that can be as amazing for me as sophomore year choir was, and as I had hoped chorale would be.

5. Musicals - Goes right along with the previous...musicals are godly things for a lover of music, dance, and a good story such as myself. To date, I've seen (in...sort of...order): Beauty and the Beast on Broadway (NY), Annie (CHHSE), A Chorus Line (ERHS), Into the Woods (ERHS), Guys and Dolls (CHHSE), Phantom of the Opera (PA), Les Mis (CHHSE), La Boheme (NY), A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum (ERHS), Phantom of the Opera (NY), and Evita (PA). This not counting the movie adaptations and/or filmed versions, like The Producers or Peter Pan. And soooon soon I will add to that Wicked (NY)...May 17th, whooooo! Been waiting for this for like a year x.x;; Umm...I learned early on and much to my embarrassment that I'm no actress...and things I can't do tend to amaze me, so...musicals and the people in them do tend to throw a little stardust around my eyes. So musicals have been somewhat of a source of magic for me as well, though in a different way.

Especially their soundtracks. I find whenever I'm looking for a little direction in my life, songs that really have meaning, I tend to turn to musical soundtracks for something of guidance. Freshman and sophomore years of high school it was Into the Woods, and maybe a little Les Mis. Junior year was definitely A Chorus Line, and last year was a giant mesh of Wicked and Les Mis (back with a vengeance). Belting out musical songs has also been a favorite pasttime of mine....I mean....just look at the Bus 1 Chorus Ensemble of DOOM!. Did a band trip go by my freshman and sophomore years during which not one musical song was sung? Didn't think so =P

6. Marching band - Ahh, speaking of band :) I definitely, definitely miss it. I miss the competitions, the wins, the trophies, the (off-key) singing, the practices, the football field, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Fabian, Mr. Earl, and Mr. Cummings (and Mr. Phil!), the running back to my spot, the drill pages, the basics block, the smiling up at a cheering crowd with all my might, and the putting everything and anything I had into something that felt so amazing to be a part of. It had its downs, of course....Phil's "buy a clue" speech and Mr. particular....standing out...but in marching band I always had another family...and that was one of the most awesome parts about the whole experience. Of all the other things I could have done with my time in high school, I'm not sure anything else could have given me the same senses of power and accomplishment that I had sometimes on that field or in those gyms. It was just an amazing, amazing thing, and it somehow made all the other crap worth it.

7. Maddy - Maddy...Madeleine Yasner...was my very very first best friend. I met her at camp, when I was four, along with Marissa and Alison, and together the four of us were a very strange force to be reckoned with. Oddballs we were and remained until one by one the group dissolved, and by that time I had other friends...but for a long time one of the strongest forces getting me through the school year was knowing that camp was coming, and that meant the four of us would be together again for one amazing summer. In a way, I kind of wish I knew what happened to Maddy...I wonder if I found her again, would she be the same girl who was my "nutty buddy" (lolz camp pun) for so many wonderful summers? On the other hand, I'm kind of worried that she may have changed so much that I'll lose my image of her forever....possibly, not knowing may be better in that sense, but I still think if I had the chance, I would meet her again.

8. May - My birth month ^_^ And also my favorite month of the year, solely for how beautiful the weather is (at least, in NJ. I'm finding this may very easily not be the case in Baltimore @_@)

9. M'Kor Shalom - Meaning: Source of Peace. My synagogue, which I've been attending since pre-school, and which was another big factor that shaped my life in many more ways than one. It's been through a pretty big dose of crazy since then--what, with the "Killer Rabbi" ordeal and all--but the community managed to move on from it. It was with M'Kor that I was Bat Mitzvah'd and Confirmed--and with M'Kor that I graduated from Hebrew High. It was with M'Kor that I went to Israel. It was with M'Kor that I learned a set of values--especially about tolerance--that wouldn't have been the same anywhere else.

10. Miroku - Cosplay costume to date that I'm the most proud of. Someday, someday, I hope to top it :)

manga, nostalgia, meme, anime, marching band, horizon, music, earthbound

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