(no subject)

Jun 06, 2009 22:08

ugh i am soo annoyed with my bestfriend. she thinks boyfriends and friends should be treated evenly. what a fucking joke. friends should always come before....guys will come and go and friends will be there till the end (if there good friends) which i think i am sucha a good friend, almost to good of a friend. it just bugs the shit out of me how shes been treating me. i almost wanna just say PEACE and become distant, but then again thats not the way to solve things, but then ill tell her how i feel and she wont even respond back. or will say one sentence like she doesn't give a fuck. ugh im sick of caring and being there for her when she can't do the same. i seriously have neever had such a horrible friend in my life. my sister did warn me because they were bestfriend before her and i. she just literally puts guys before anything! oh well karma WILL bite her in the ass one day and shes going to end up with no friends, like how can you be happy when you can't even be happy being alone first? i believe i am a strong ass women because i can live life without a signficant other to make me happy where she can't ever live life alone. she always has to have someone! i dont even rememeber the last time she was alone. how pathetic is that? haha anyways enough of that shit. i just needed to get that out because its not like she listens to me when i tell her how i feel about our friendship. im like on the fucking edge and she doesnt even realize how close she is to pushing me away for good! blaaaah! i need to find a new friend, someone who gives a fucking shit! anyways i just got out of school. i got 1 A and 2 B's :D yay i should of taken more classes but it was only my 2nd semester so i think i did pretty good, atleast im satisfied. now summers begins and im sooo excited.. my birthday is almost here too! im turning 19, nothing special really i wish i was turning 21 but my friend is getting me a fake id with my picture on it, its only 100 bucks so im stoked. but yeaaah so i've been loosing alot of weight from riding my bike all the time sense i lost my car and now my whole family thinks im on fucking drugs! its fucking bullshit. also it makes me sad how im trying so hard to loose weight for summer and then people accusing me for something im not doingggg. like wtf. i need a vacation badly! to get away from everyone! i've been alone for so long now without a boyfriend where i am finally content being alone and FINALLY happy after so long of being depressed and regreting the shit in the past. i am now accepting me for who i am, and all the mistakes i made... i mean shit happens for a reason right? and thats why i am here today as a much stronger person than i was before! ive learned sooo much throughout the years and can finally say i am happy who i turned out to be <3

the only thing that will have my heart forever and always is my baby zoeey
she is my everything. :D and im so glad i found her, shes my other half.
today i took her to the dog park and every fucking dog was humping her and one of the owners of the other dog was asking if she was in heat(meaning starting her period soon) and i was like noo shes just attractive and all the guys want her, even GIRLS too! haha & they laughed because its sooo true!

wow this is long.

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