brief updates : 1

Oct 30, 2007 00:16

School: It is weird being back in school. I forgot how time consuming it is. I have been reading like a mad man lately which is beneficial; I like having an English focus as apposed to a Science focus.

Work: The restaurant isn't doing so great. We are struggling to bring in the night crowds, but I am the owners favorite cook and I work with all local and organic products so I couldn't be happier. Billy, the owner, seems to like me a lot. Asking me to make more foods, saying he likes my cooking style best, asking me to keep the chef in check, asking me to teach his daughter swim lessons. He also dropped off 8 pumpkins on my front porch to artistically carve for the restaurant.

Swimming: First meet next Saturday--I am embarrassed to see how horrible my times have become over the years, but stoked my body is allowing me to swim again! I'm psyched that the team is getting closer and closer.

Bosko: Bosko is well, but would appreciate longer walks and seeing me more often. On the topic of animals..I have made the step over to veganism again...don't ask me how I will avoid Rosati's when I go back to Chicago this time. I have recently gotten on a huge animal rights kick, and I'm beyond itching to get out of Eugene and into Portland or Seattle's AR scene. For now the volunteer work I do with Pro-Bone-O will have to suffice. Although, I am meeting more and more animal rights activists who wish there was a strong presence of activism in Eugene. Im sure like 98% of our city is vege/vegan...but lets do more than just that!

Social: I cut back on the dating when school started, although I've been seeing a girl and we meet up whenever we can. Another one as well. I have made new friends through the swim team, but I haven't met anyone in my classes yet.

Other: There isn't much time for "other" things lately. The plus side to this is I am saving loads of money, and getting good marks. Everyday is a day closer to graduation and a new city.
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