Nov 27, 2007 20:36
gosh, so like, happy late thanksgiving :p
I can't believe I haven't posted anything in about 3 weeks :[
I guess I'll start where I left off, with my haircut that I wrote about, in umm, OCTOBER D:
yeah so I went to get my hair cut, and it was supposed to be all super cute, and it was looking pretty good when I was getting it cut, but the stylist we had couldn't seem to cut and talk to my mom at the same time, and then she did this weird thinning thing, and reduced my bangs to nothing, and just blaaaah.
I came home and I cried, and it was horrible, and at school the next day so many people just fell down laughing. which was actually pretty funny :]
eh whatever, it's like a month later and i'm getting used to it.
straightened it looks pretty okay, but I have a history of bad haircuts so it doesn't really matter.
um yeah, so after that I wore my pretty freaking sweet snowboots to school (yeah I know I'm cool; I live in florida and it's 90 degrees out and I'm wearing snowboots to school)
so then I come in the next day and guess what? like 5 people ARE ALL WEARING BOOTS
when no one else had been before I wore mine.
the same stupid copying shit happened today also.
I always bring my gameboy color to school (the super old one because I'm neat) and play it in class and stuff right?
so of course there was some dumb girl today who had the same gameboy as me and she had it out and all her friends were like 'ooh that's so cool!'
and I just wanted to be like, WTF I DID THAT FIRST!
now I'm not the one that's unique :[
seriously, I CAN say that I am unique, because I really AM.
and I don't feel stuck up saying it or anything, because I know it's true, and it PISSES ME OFF when other people take my ideas and shit!
um, um, um,
2 weeks before thanksgiving break we adopted kittens :]
they're now 15 weeks old and one is a girl and one is a boy and they're tabbies and I love them<3
the girl's name is persephone and the boy's name is numa pompilius and it's like having retarded 1 and retarded 2 in the house because they're just so stupid.
definitely posting stories about them later on~
so for thanksgiving break we only had school on monday and tuesday and then break from wednesday to sunday!
it was so great, and the family and I had hamburgers for thanksgiving because we are just that awesome.
and then friday I went to my friends birthday party, and it was like, a dance party D:
it was a ton of fun and all, but
dancing =/= amanda !
I was just kind of standing/attempting to awkwardly dance/marveling at the people who could, hahaha.
although now I feel all lame and I hope people don't think I'm all boring because I stoof off to the side. :/
but then we went to the movies and saw This Christmas, which was a cute movie I guess but it was also totally lame and had no plot line.
oh and I LOVE how people get all offended when I tease them and they're all like 'UGH HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT' etc.
then yesterday in bio we had this really hilarious sex talk, and my (male) bio teacher was all awkward during like, the entire thing. and it was hilarious and 4th quarter is going to be hilarious when we do the reproductive system~
today was SSS (sunshine state standard) testing and my homeroom is my english class and we happen to be in my english teacher's room, and she's like 'oh I don't believe in free time' so instead of letting us do whatever as the other teachers do, we actually have to do work and pay attention and crap and ugh
I fell asleep today in the 40 minutes of testing time we still had left, and ms. savage (fitting name haha) yelled at me (amanda, wake up!) when of course 7 other people were sleeping all around me ;p
um also today I realized that I'm one of those people who eat.
all the time, especially when I'm upset.
but seriously, ALL THE TIME.
I am NEVER without food.
and yeah so I realized that it's not healthy, and I need to stop because if it wasn't for my metabolism I'd be totally fat and it's going to eatch up with me etc etc.
I really want to mail something to postsecret, but I have no idea what secret to send/how to do it without my parents seeing it
oh and for lolz:
go to google images and type in 'amanda'
turkey day,
gameboy color,