May 07, 2004 12:03
In skool...
Friday is finalii here!
This weekend i am not goin to the rink probaly so........
Tonight me n Heather are goin to help sue deliver pizzas so....
Tomorrow who know what i am doin...I am either hangin with Nick or goin with Sue..
Heather might go to the rink tomorrow...But i am not goin...I cant take the drama nemore...
So yea...Right after skool me n heather have to hop in the shower...and leave...
Anyway yesterday was alright.....Me Heather and Nick hung out after skool...
We were like hanging for 4 hours....It was cool....Then yeah My sister loves Nick..
I can understand why I love ya Nick...
Yea so we hung out at JK and then went to Bella with everyone.....
Richie is in love with me again.O NOOOO!!!!!! he tryed to get me yesterday...
Not kool man, then he threw me into the house...I have a scrape on my elbow...
But dont wry i kicked his ass for it...First i threw him on the ground puched him in the face and threw his bike in the road....So yeah he called me and wouldnt leave me aloooone......Please god.Leave me aone or atleast him LMFAO!!!
well i might delete my lj because nobodii comments me nemore....
Luv ya all i guess........
xoxoNICKxoxo xoxoTIMxoxo