Wed, 14:04: @ BethMooreLPM Jesus the One and Only study is revealing so much to me the character of Christ and compelling me to love Him so deeply!...
Wed, 14:06: @ BethMooreLPM 2/2 Thank you for allowing Him to use your Love story to reveal His great love for ME! You are a precious woman!
Wed, 14:16: I don't just slurp my #tea. I guzzle. Every morning.
Wed, 16:42: RT @ HonestToddler: Since when did rubbing your eyes become the bat signal for naptime smh.
Wed, 16:43: Re: nap time- Methinks she doth protest too much.
Wed, 17:26: “Christianity seems at first to be about morality, rules, guilt and virtue, yet it leads you out of that, into something beyond - C.S Lewis”
Wed, 17:27: “Sacrificing for your mate should be the norm in your marriage, not an event. When spouses prefer one another...”
Wed, 18:00: My Jesus is SO BEAUTIFUL. Is He your Jesus too? Do you know how wonderful He is? I pray you do, or that you will!!