Dear Journal...

Sep 03, 2010 20:12

I think I just watched the worst movie ever made.  Troll 2.

Oh my Goooooooooooood.


Hahaha.  Hanging out with friends is awesome.

troll 2, lol, friends

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rae00 September 4 2010, 02:08:29 UTC
Whazzat? o_O;


thecrncmeltdown September 4 2010, 02:12:39 UTC
Raerae! xD Troll 2. Don't watch it. Or if you do, don't pay a cent and just waste your time watching it on the internet.

It was funny, but only because it was so bad with the intention of being serious. xDDD Ahh...friends.


rae00 September 4 2010, 02:37:34 UTC
Yo, Hime. :P

*sweatdrops* What was their attempt at a plot?

Yeah, hanging out with friends IRL can be pretty cool. I just tend to hang out with this one group that's (like me) usually too lazy to go out to movies. 8D


thecrncmeltdown September 4 2010, 02:42:59 UTC
Attempt at plot equaled...

Goblins. Man eating goblins that gave their unknowing victims stuff to eat. That stuff turned them into green goop, and the goblins ate it.

This plot is coupled with an extremely bad script and actors who aren't worth anything.

Exhibit A (which was the funniest thing ever):


rae00 September 4 2010, 02:45:10 UTC
*amused* Goblins. Because the zombies got old, and the aliens left.

...Ahahahahahahaha. The first two comments make it even better.


thecrncmeltdown September 4 2010, 02:47:13 UTC
*snickers* I know, right? This is a really old movie, though.


rae00 September 4 2010, 02:50:32 UTC
Okay...that excuses it......a, it really doesn't. I don't think people were that much dumber back in the day. >_>;

Anyway, moving on. What've you been up to lately?


thecrncmeltdown September 4 2010, 03:11:28 UTC
xD You overestimate them.

I've been doing school stuff, mainly...this weekend's my one year anniversary with my girlfriend. :D :D :D But, really, mainly I've just been swamped with school work.

How about you? (Also, I've written a few pieces...if you wanna read and comment...*hint hint; grin*)


rae00 September 4 2010, 03:14:16 UTC
Or maybe I've got too high an assumption of intelligence for modern movies. >_>;

AP classes, right? Are you in junior or senior year...?

Eh, I'm alright. Internship that's turned out pretty well so far, but kinda drags in places.

(I'm really bad about reviewing, honestly. 8D The way it usually works with my authors - of which you are now one - is that I leave a few comments as I beta, and then don't review on FFnet.)


thecrncmeltdown September 4 2010, 03:41:06 UTC
Lol, maybe. It's still not a very modern movie, though.

Senior year, and yes, many AP classes.

And right, I'd forgotten. You're an intern. xD

(And yes, yes, lol. I get it. You could read it here, though, and say, "Interesting." or something. I've kind of decided I'm probably not going to focus on anymore. The RQ community here is much better for these things.)


rae00 September 4 2010, 04:15:26 UTC
Yeah...I was eyeing the video quality and going, er, did she really see this in theaters...?

Oh god, senior year. Mine was...just...bad. Know what colleges you want yet?

Yep. 'N all that fun stuff.

(Hahahaha. All writers are review whores. -*mock stern* I will not pander to such foolishness., y'know, the correct meaning of that word. Ish.


thecrncmeltdown September 5 2010, 00:40:43 UTC
Oh, haha. xD But yes, I am a review whore. I need them to live, and you shall simply have to deal with it. :D

And yeah, senior year's been pretty...obnoxious. I don't know where I'm going yet. I don't even want to think about it.

I have, however, started writing my essay. Eww.


rae00 September 5 2010, 00:56:58 UTC

Yeeah. Well, trust me, the more you put off, the worse the crunch is at the end. Though that's not the biggest problem; it's the oh-damn-I-missed-a-deadline-I-didn't-know-existed moments you don't want to have.

"My essay"? Singular? For what?


thecrncmeltdown September 5 2010, 01:30:53 UTC
Essay. College. I meant it as...well, take it however you want.

*sighs* I don't want to have to sell myself. I really, really don't.


rae00 September 5 2010, 01:31:47 UTC
I hated it. But there are worse things.


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