Mar 23, 2005 19:50
Ah the joys of wireless internet. Welcome to the 21st century, America, where one can take their computer out, and log onto the internet from a hipster coffee shop in Hollywood on a whim.
The Pig fucking rules. Even though everyone here is doing exactly the same thing and, strangely enough, with exactly the same mac laptops. Of various colors of course.
And to add even more zing to the cliche, I'm here working on a script for a short film. Sometimes its fun to be a stereotype. (Don't worry Sarah, I will not come to your party as my own stereotype ;-)
I am going to offer some thoughts on Terri Shaivo, even though I like to stay out of pop-politic-issues like this. Nobody wants her to die, even those of us on the left don't, but someone has to sit the religious right down and explain to them that we have laws in this country for a reason, and that reason is not to change and manipulate them when you think it might make your race in 2006 easier to win. Frankly, I think the idea of Tom Delay actually giving a shit what happens to Terri Shaivo or not, to be a joke, at best. He doesn't care. Don't give him credit for caring. This is playing politics in the name of Bush's "culture of life" bullshit. Culture of life? We don't have a culture of life. Some woman, albeit while protesting the Florida federal court ruling, said something on CNN today along the lines of how we live in a culture of death, which is ABSOLUTELY true. In many ways is this true, and not just because we have A law that encourages state-sponsered death, but actually several.
A culture of life, Senator Frist? We can talk about a culture of life as soon as your and your mafia in Washington pass legislation to give EVERYONE in america healthcare, not just laws that favor private HMOs to decide how rich you have to be to get it at all. We can talk about a culture of life when the death penalty is abolished. We can talk about a culture of life when right wing extremists aren't executing doctors for facilitating a woman's right to an abortion. We can talk about a culture of life when we aren't executing Iraqis for opposing U.S. presence in Iraq. We can talk about a culture of life when there aren't guns on our streets that are designed to kill police officers.
But until you realize the blinding hipocracy, Mr. Bush, of what "culture of life" actually means, maybe you should step back and realize that fighting a symbolic battle that you will ultimately lose will cause everyone involved to be hurt. You and your dildos in congress, delay and frist, are all going to look like fucknuts. Terri Shaivo is going to die anyway, and you will have accomplished nothing ultimately except proving how little respect you have for law and order, but rather envision yourself as a macho man for the people, being better than the law to stab a dramatic fuck you at the Left. Good Work!
Oh, and aren't conservatives supposed to be against government interference in personal or family affairs? They just love to change the rules whenever it suits them politically, but when Democrats and progressives don't, because we are morally opposed to it, we are made to look like we're out of touch with America's mood that day.
Conservatives = more in touch with Id, Progressives = more in touch with superego. Discuss.
Oh, and FUCK the pope for getting involved. I love how organized religion fucks everything up.
Get ready, also, for 2006, where republicans will run against democrats with "you voted to kill terri shaivo." This isn't about politics Mr. Delay? If that comes out of his mouth once during the next election, just once, which will happen, we'll get to see just how political his big bleeding heart is.
I really want to sit down and write a book about how the religious right and progressives have actually changed the definitions of what liberal and conservative mean. Its just so weird that the liberals in this case want the government to stay out of it and the conservatives want somehting to be done. Why? Well, i think Daily Show "Senior Ethical Analyst" Mr. Steven Colbert put it best: "yes, john, but that was when they didn't control the federal government. Now, they do. So...yeah....Theres that...."
Cheers, and may God soon relieve Terri Shaivo of her pain and welcome her into His paradise.