Need to post more often as things add up...

Jul 10, 2007 13:52

Let's start with the easy. Last weekend the wife was once again off to the peninsula to work on the show. I had a fairly lazy Friday and Saturday morning, just doing enough cleaning (of the still fairly clean house) so I could host a Lego convention committee meeting after Saturday's club meeting, which was at the local library. Both meetings went well.

Sunday was a fairly normal day at work, but on the way home, we were headed past home to do some shopping when we spotted a tiny kitten trying to cross Highway 522. I slammed on the breaks (nowhere near hitting him) and pulled off. Waited for traffic to clear enough to cross as he had retreated to the opposite side while I had parked.

His mouth and nose were bloody, as was his right eye which caused us some concern. We tried one of the local vets first, but 7pm on Sunday, there's really only the emergency vet left. Off to the next town over we went. Every once in a while the wife would pet him to make sure he was still with us, convinced he had a head trauma that he wouldn't recover from. The vet checked him out and gave him a fairly clean bill of health. Since he wasn't ours, they didn't push getting Xrays done, but they poked and prodded him quite a bit and it seems his only injuries were superficial cuts on his head and face that were the source of all the blood. They cleaned him up and we paid $150 for our good deed and headed home rather than let them put him up at a shelter. He's immensely cute, so I'm sure he would have gone quickly, but we wouldn't have had enough closure and been wracked with guilt.

The problem is that we already have one dog and one cat and since he's only 5 weeks old, they don't suspect he's been vaccinated. That means we'd have to keep him away from Curly. I was also fairly sure Nina would not let up trying to get to him if we locked him in a bathroom.

Lucky for us, we thought of one of our neighbors (we're in a fourplex of condos) that didn't have either kids or pets. They did, however, often have one of the neighbor cats over to wander about thier house, and were very fond of both our pets. The wife agreed to take him without even asking her husband. She even tried to pay us back the money we'd already spent. HA!

They're not sure if they can keep him long term as they have tentative long travel plans, but they're at least going to nurse him back to health. We went by last night to visit and make the wife feel less guilty and he was totally active and looking a lot better. He even started pouncing at my bare feet at one point. :)

The kicker for us was that he looks almost exacly like our own cat as a kitten. Black and white, not so short but not long hair and all that.

Those that know my flickr account can see two cell camera pics.

Finally, although this has been around longer than the other two subjects, I made it to the bone doctor today about my foot. I've been limping around for over two weeks now, and if I try to run, it gets worse. Sounded like stress fracture, but due to the holiday, it took over a week to get in. They took a couple quick x-rays and the doc said "there might be something here" poked my foot, and make me yelp. Yep, something there. Stress fracture to be exact. We could have done a bone scan, but that would have just been more money and the treatment would have still been the same, so now I'm in a foot brace for four to eight weeks starting the hottest few days of the year so far. Whee.

At least it doesn't hurt to walk anymore.

lego, kitty, foot

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