01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Here are my own.
1- What's your favorite place/time to visit?
Oh, that's hardly fair, you know how many places I've been, the marvels of the universe. The Eye of Orion, the Library of Carsus, Florana, the oceans of Woman Wept...
...Stockbridge. It's a small town in Hampshire with lovely summers. Not very exciting I'm afraid but there you are.
2- Do you ever dream when you sleep?
I don't sleep often, so when I do it tends to be deep, too deep for dreams to penetrate. Sometimes they do, regardless.
3- The outfit- is it a fashion statement, or do you really play cricket?
I don't get to play as often as I'd like, but I do enjoy it a great deal. I'm quite good at it, too, not to be smug.
4- If you could change one moment in time, without effecting the timeline, what would it be?
I would save a boy from an exploding ship.
5- What is your favorite food?
Ah. Crumpets, probably, with honey. Rather boring, really, but there are many reasons that Earth remains my planet.
6- You ever gonna take me for a spin in your TARDIS?
Where would you want to spin to?
1. What is your favorite place and time to visit in the universe?
As I told Ace, it's just...a town. A little town, with some ignorance and some conflict and some grief but no danger, no lives lost. A community, imperfect but whole, solid.
It's peaceful, and familiar. Sometimes I crave that. Sometimes I just want to play cricket and forget about the rest of the universe.
2. Why did you give me such an advance piece of technology for graduation?
I trust you not to abuse it, not to publicisize it. To use it to travel the world, and make people aware of what they don't want to see. It's a noble goal, and I'd like to help as much as I can.
Honestly...your remind me a bit of me.
3. How do you choose the people who travel with you?
It's...not so much a matter of choosing really. Most of my companions of late have been a matter of chance, or circumstance. They simply happened to be brave and compassionate and intelligent people, who I grew close to.
4. What do you like to do when you're alone?
I'm in the console room, often, tinkering - it's relaxing, really, and productive. I like my library, as well - books from all over the universe, knowledge and fancy and everything in between. Sometimes I draw, though I've not much talent for it this time round.
5. If you could have dinner with anyone, who would it be?
Oh, dear, that's difficult. There are so many brilliant, wonderful people in your planet's history alone.
Perhaps...perhaps Rassilon. He was the founder of the Time Lords, and I've a great deal to ask him about.
I'd like to know what he was truly like. Personally, properly, without the politics and myths and propaganda shrouding history.
Granted, I've already met one childhood hero and it turned out very badly indeed. Of course, that wasn't simply dinner.