Dec 10, 2004 22:03
Is there such a thing as british slang? I've looked up some of the words.. actually it was on a websight and it made me laugh.. and I'm going to use them all in a few sentances and tell me if this sounds slang to you...
I really fancy snogging that bloke but he'd rather give a bell to that fit bird who plays football. Evertime I see him he toddles off.
However, in Amrica..
Like O.M.G. I really like makeing out with that guy but he'd rather go suck face with that bi-otch who plays soccer. Every time I see he he tries to casually leave.
Yea, one sounds PROPER, the other kinda slang. It just is something random I happened to stumble upon today and thought you'd all like to enjoy it.
Peace Out