(no subject)

Mar 17, 2007 20:11

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Nothing much going on again.

theemojoy and I recorded her voice for Zilo. I editted the pitch of her voice. Sadly, her voice is too deep, so when I deepened it, it sounded funny. It sounds pretty decent for talking, but not for singing. We may need to get her to sing higher pitched and have me change the pitch, or just have her sing deeper. Whichever works.

Here's a video with a sample of her voice as Zilo. Beware of the Codec sound I decided to insert in the beginning. The song she's singing is Cristina Vee's English dub version of the song Hare Hare Yukai.

Also, I've been in the mood to oC with people. Anyone else who has openCanvas1.1 - b68 and wants to draw together sometime (only if you can host)? It's fun. It's free! Gotta love things that're free. ^^

I'm still rather obsessed with Viewtiful Joe. I have another costume to add to my possible cosplay list. That would be the non-transformed / human version of Stylish Alastor. This character is still my favorite of them all. I need to RP him sometime. To tell you the truth, the only character that comes close to Alastor is Captain Blue Jr. he's awesome. He's the youngest, yet the most mature, of the three superheroes (Viewtiful Joe, Sexy Silvia, and Captain Blue Jr). His transformation line is awesome too. Instead of "Henshin a go-go baby!" it's "Henshin a YO-YO baby!" He uses Yo-Yos to fight. Alastor's is just "Trigger me, baby!"

I like how they portray Alastor in the game (if you play AS him) and the anime. He's more hilarious in the anime, and is messed with lots. (It's so hilarious, but I feel bad for him. For example, people think he is an astronomy nut, so they bring him out into space to see the solar eclipse, like he wanted. However, he's really upset, because he only got to see the Earth getting covered by the moon, when, in reality, he wanted to see a "black sun".) In VJ2 (I think..I haven't played the second game) and VJ1(if you play just as Joe), they make him seem like any villian. But really, he's not a villian. He just loves fighting. I think he's a hero. He'd save Silvia, or Goldie (in the game), and he would help people out if they were in trouble. He just wants to fight Joe really bad. He enjoys fighting. He doesn't seem like much of the lover type at all, sadly. XD He's not on anyone's side. He refuses to join Gedow's side when offered in the anime (season 2), and he seems to always betray Jadow (season 1)... It kind of fits his name "Alastor", right? I wish they put the Underworld Emperor version of Alastor in the anime... I want to draw that sometime. I also need to take a screenshot of the funny pink squid/octopus outfit Alastor wore once. It was hilarious. XD

Speaking of Viewtiful Joe, I'm making a Viewtiful version of my character Zilo. He'll be called "Zilophone", and his transformation line will be "Sound check me, baby!" (Like Chidori said above in the voice test.)

I hope Chidori can come over next weekend so we can practice recording more. I want to focus on that a lot.

What else to update on?

Oh, here's a bunch of random icons I made since my last update, and some doodles.


Kingdom Hearts Manga:

Viewtiful Joe Anime:

Both from this screenshot I took.

My Own:

Based off of my latest DeviantArt picture. Check it out if you want.

Sketch of Captain Blue Junior:

Sketch of "human" Alastor in a Cloak from an episode from the anime:

Colored sketch of Alastor the Stylish, Alastor's human form, but in a slightly more realistic way:

And my character, Tanitin, as a kid.

That's all for now. Tschau~!

rp, icons, art

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