Dec 11, 2011 22:16
Y'know what? I'm pissy and cranky enough that I don't give a shit. Sorry for dumping on your guys, so feel free to ignore, as per standard practice.
Why do I feel like I'm fucking isolated from the rest of the world? My communications with the people I care about have gotten so fucking spotty lately it's ridiculous. Additionally, I'm wondering how much the Devil is willing to give me for my soul so I can get some fucking feedback on pretty much everything I post. I just posted "I'll Never Leave" to, and am expecting zero reviews. I post shit to kink memes and will get zero fills. I posted a request to a fandom rec meme and the dumbest fucking crap posted after me gets answered fucking instantly. I submit shit on DeviantArt and to my various groups and get zero comments. Fuck I don't even get faves anymore.
Seriously. Do I have to crack and write Prowl x Jazz? I'm tired of only writing for myself. What do I have to fucking do to appease the world because this is bullshit and getting mightly old, mighty fast.
non-writing: whining,
non-writing: life