Dear Princess Celestia,
To follow is my report on one of my new friends, Fluttershy. Although she is very shy, she already has several friends in Ponyville (c.f. Rarirty, Applejack, Pinkie Pie reports). Despite her shyness around her fellow ponies, Fluttershy has a natural rapport with animals. Although a Pegasus (normally weather ponies by trade), Fluttershy's given occupation is caring for sick or injured wildlife. Demonstrated in equal parts by her personality and by her Cutie Mark, I believe this report shows that Fluttershy's nature, in its most basic essence, is to nurture.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle
Title: In Essence
Author: TheCrazyAlaskan
Fandom / Setting: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Characters / Pairings: Fluttershy-centric, mentions of others
Rating: K
Genre: General
Word Count: 98
Warnings / Notes: Prompt from
locoexclaimer: 50-100 words, character study. Prompt: "Nature versus nurture"
Summary: When given the option between A and B, Fluttershy has taken Option C.
Yay, more pony fic. x3 Pretty straight forward. Enjoy!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic © Lauren Faust, Hasbro