He had described it as being ancient, sturdy and imposing. As Michael led KITT to the throne, she found that he wasn't exaggerating in the least. "Oh, Michael-"
He hushed her with a finger against his lips. She nodded wordlessly, carefully noticing Michael's customs. The throne room, more of a long hall hung with tapestries, was to be entered and crossed in silence. They reached the dais on which the throne sat. Michael dipped to one knee and bowed his head; KITT followed suit. A small part of her, her inner rookie agent from way back when, was thrilled to be kneeling before a royal throne.
After a few moments, Michael stood. KITT followed him up, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. "Now you can speak," he told her.
KITT nodded, trying to think of something to say. Finally she settled on: "Michael, that's one impressive chair."
Michael chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist. "It's the symbol of the royal house," he commented almost idly, "to be honored and revered as much as the rulers who sit on it. That's the only reason we kneel in front of an empty chair."
KITT nudged his arm slightly. Only he could make fun of the royal protocols of his own country. "May I?" she asked, indicating the throne. Michael nodded, and KITT broke away from him, stepping up onto the dais and walking around the throne, studying it. Constructed from white pine, it was nearly as tall as Michael, with elaborate carvings that surely only made sense to a native of his country; the seat was padded with deep blue.
She made a lap around the throne, stopping directly in front it and turning to face Michael. "You'll look wonderful sitting on it," she said sincerely.
Michael smiled-that little half smile that always meant he was up to something-and stepped onto the dais with her. "No-" He gently pushed her into the seat. "You'll look wonderful on it."
"Michael!" KITT cried, jumping up like she'd been pushed into a bed of thorns. "I can't sit here."
"Why not?" he asked, crossing his arms.
"I'm not royal," she reminded. "I'm not royal or noble or even an aristocrat." That was the only thing keeping her and Michael apart, the fact that she was a commoner of foreign birth to his royal heritage. It stung.
Not that it ever seemed to bother Michael-stateside or in his native country it would seem. "So?"
"It's not proper," she weakly protested.
"It is if I say so," he announced. She felt a small, wry smile tug at the corner of her mouth. He was always using his power for something that wasn't his royal duties. "Go ahead, sit down."
Very slowly, KITT sat down, her arms almost dwarfed by the armrests on which they sat. Hell, she was dwarfed by the whole throne. The hall was long and swallowed up a mere agent of an American foundation. Michael, a royal prince, he belonged in this hall.
Michael stepped off the dais and dropped to one knee once more, bowing his head. "Your Majesty," he said softly, reverently.
"Michael, really," KITT protested, glancing around the hall. "Someone may see us." She didn't dare let on how the words, his actions set her heart pounding.
"Is Her Majesty displeased?" he asked. He sounded dead serious, as though their roles were reversed-she was a princess, and he her protective agent from the Foundation.
"No," she said after a moment, in the most regal voice she could. She leaned against the back of the throne, smiling.
"May might I serve Her Majesty?" Michael asked, still carrying on the charade.
"Come closer," she ordered, beckoning with her hand. Michael stood and approached the throne, kneeling once more. KITT leaned in and lifted his gaze to her own, shifting to Michael's other native tongue. "Sind Sie loyal?
For a moment, Michael was captivated by the intensity in KITT's eyes. Her eyes were always very expressive, and green eyes were startlingly uncommon in his country, which made him love them all the more. "Ich bin ganz auf mein Prinzessin, mein Volk und mein Land gewidmet, Eure Majestät gewidmet." he vowed.
"Wie sol lich das wissen?" she pressed. There was a somber tone creeping into her voice. "Sie haben sich daran gewöhnt Amerika, an die Stiftung. Sie bleiben an meiner Seite solange ich deine Prinzessin bin?
Wordlessly, Michael leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, running his fingers through her hair. How could he ever leave her side? True, he was expected to marry royalty, nobility-but damnit, she played the part so well. He broke long enough to nod.
"Ja?" she asked softly.
"Immer, KITT."
Title: Always
Author: TheCrazyAlaskan
Fandom / Setting: Classic Knight Rider, Secret Agent AU
Characters / Pairings: Michael x KITT
Genre: General, romance
Rating: T
Warnings / Notes: Humanized / genderswapped KITT; AU; gratuitous yet IC German
Bunnies bred with
locoexclaimer and myself.
Summary: Sacrilege be damned, she could get used to this chair.
I’m such an AU whore, it’s not even real. 8D Knight Rider, with a twist-Michael is a prince in waiting, visiting America. The Foundation provides him with a field agent to protect him from harm: Katherine Knight, codenamed KITT. During Michael’s travels, he always sways KITT to go along with his wanderlust and to help the people they encounter on their travels who need the Foundation’s aid. And of course yes they end up romantically involved.
Michal’s country, I’m still hammering out the details. Northern European, with the primary languages being English and German. Excuse to exploit the fact that David Hasselhoff speaks German sayWHA? German translations from Google Translations and iTranslate (apologies for any errors >>; ).
I must write more for this AU. I have bunnies, but this was the first one to really bite me. The way KITT and Michael took the latter third of this fic with German, damn it should be easy. xD
Michael, KITT, Knight Rider © Glen A Larson