Found on DeviantArt, thought it looked fun. :D
That and it’s four thirty in the frickin’ morning, why the hell not?
1. Pick 20 of your favorite movies, and one of your least favorites.
2. Go to IMDb and pick a quote from each movie.
3. Post them here for everyone to guess.
4. Fill in the film title once it's guessed.
5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions
· I want you to get married. I want you to have nine kids, and even if you only spend five minutes a day with them, that’s forty-five minutes and I can go out and get massage or something.
· Perhaps something in satin.
· September 21, 1945... that was the night I died.
· The genocide ended in July 1994, when the Tutsi rebels drove the Hutu army and the Interhamwe militia across the border into the Congo. They left behind almost a million corpses.
· For you, a thousand times over!
· Why didn't you tell me you're some kind of Alaskan Kennedy?
· You can kiss the back of the lower portion of the canister that is my body.
· But between you and me, it was the smartest thing I ever did, 'cause now you're here.
· How do you tell how good bread is without tasting it? Not the smell, not the look, but the sound of the crust. Listen, oh symphony of crackle. Only great bread sound this way.
· "Dear Lana, By the time you read this I'll be back home in Lincoln. I'm scared of what's ahead, but when I think of you I know I'll be able to go on. You were right, Memphis isn't that far off. I'll be taking that trip down the highway before too long. I'll be waiting for you. Love always and forever, Brandon."
· That was before President Kennedy was shot, before the Beatles came, when I couldn't wait to join the Peace Corps, and I thought I'd never find a guy as great as my dad.
· So learn French. Learn French or die.
· I've never had dreams. Only nightmares.
· At the temple, there is a poem called "Loss" carved into the stone. It has three words, but the poet has scratched them out. You cannot read Loss, only feel it.
· What a dump. When I think of castles, it's not what I picture.
· It's supposed to hurt, it's an ass kickin'!
· No, it... it's a good book. Your friends will love it. You know, it's got mazes in it and, you know, little coloring areas, sections, pop-up pictures. It's... a lot of fun.
· They said that there was enough fat in your head to rebuild you a new body, so they got scientists in the other room working on it. God willing, you're gonna be alright.
· Do all of your guests pass under this door?
· It's like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something.
· Don’t like: I'm just another angry house wife, standing on her lawn and yelling at her husband! Oh yeah, that's me!