My Weekend

Mar 06, 2005 10:51

This weekend was quite fun. On Friday i had nothing planned and Kelly called me and told me she was picking me up because there was a party and Ala was going to take us. So i got dressed really fast and all that stuff and we went to the party. The party was in snapper creek where all the rich ppl live and the house was beautiful but the party wasnt in the house it was in the girls tennis court and there was a keg and a dj, it was cool. I didnt get drunk and i still had a great time! :) On saturday my mom and i went shopping for most of the day and then around 7 or 8 Kelly called me and once again i didnt have anything planned so i went with her and Ala and we were goin to play pool with some friends of hers from Brito. Her friends didnt want to play pool so Kelly called Gabriel and he came and picked us up and we went to their house to wait for Paul to get ready. From there we went to New Wave to play pool which i have only played once so i SUCK! But dont worry im gettin better... it just takes practice. its nice out so i think i will go to the pool and get some sun. The sun makes me happy :). THE END.
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