Oct 09, 2003 22:04
You were right...I was stuck in my own fairytale. That hurts to realize, but I guess it's true. I was just too stuck in the clouds to realize the truth that I felt in my heart and in my head. Thank you Amanda... thank you for listening and all the advice you gave me... I love you so much!!!
We made things better today. Hopefully they really are better... most of you have heard all that has happened but if not, the conclusion is: Michael was pissed off at me, but we talked and the conclusion to our talk was: No, he doesn't hate me; yes, we are friends... he's my BGFF! he's willing to put it all behind him, and he loves me "as much as he loves chicken... and that's a lot!"
Thank the Lord that we cleared that up... Taryn thank you for talking to me and to Michael, I know it is because of you that we are as good as we are right now! Thank you and I love you!!!
Brittany, I love you and I had fun talking to you! I am so excited for next Sunday... you have no idea! We are going to have soooo much fun and finally take our photomakers! I love you!!!
I love my Gracie! Thanks for the call last night Poo, and thank you for listening to all my stupidness! I love you so much and you make me so much happier!
Alexandra... you almost made me cry last night when you told me you missed my laugh. I miss you so much, and I'm sorry that we haven't hung out much lately... soon though! We will soon. Thank you for your IM... you made me smile! I love you x infinity!
It's nice to know that I have people who I can talk to, and who will listen and care... I love you all and I hope you know that and always remember that you are what make me myself, and without you I would be no one and nothing. I love you.