Jan 11, 2006 17:21
i thought i might as well update before i jet off to sunny new zealand. found liv's quiz thing so i will count that as my news, as its the last month (or so). hope you had a good christmas and new year everybody, and i hope you enjoy england while ive managed to escape. OOh i wonder if i can complete the whole thing with one word answers (yes i know its boring, sorry)
A N S W E R . T R U T H F U L L Y
1. do you like anyone? Yes
2. do they know it? Yes
A R E . Y O U
1. simple or complicated? Fairly simple - damn it thats 2 words
I N . T H E . L A S T . M O N T H . H A V E . Y O U
1. had sex: no
2. bought something: yes
3. gotten sick? yes
4. been hugged? yes
5. been kissed?: yes
6. felt stupid: yes
8. talked to an ex: yes
9. missed someone: yes
10. got drunk: yes
11. gotten high: yes
12. danced crazy: yes
13. gotten your hair cut: yes
14. watched cartoons: yes
15. lied: yes. hmm thats a lot of yesses
1. nervous habits?: twitching my eyes, shuffling my feet, stammering, saying a lot of crap
2. are you double jointed? thumbs and big toes
3. can you roll your tongue?: yes
4. can you raise one eyebrow?: yes
5. can you cross your eyes?: yes, but always kind of sideways because i have a bit of a squint and i'm short sighted
7. do you think you are unique?: there's nobody alive who isn't
H A V E . Y O U . E V E R
1. said "I Love you" and meant it?: yes
2. given money to a homeless person: yes
1. do you swear?: sometimes
2. do you ever spit?: yes
3. you cook your own food? if a microwave counts as cooking
4. you do your own chores? 'chores' hahaha. yes
5. did you get laid today?: no
6. you like beef jerky? not sure what that is
7. you like pepsi or coke?: diet coke for someone else's sake
9. you're happy with your hair?: its ok
10. you own a dog? no
11. you spend your money wisely? yes, well i dont really spend much on anything
12. you're always making new friends? yes
13. you like to swim? no, water is the devil
14. when you get bored do you call a friend? No, i sleep
15. you're patient? yes, impatience takes up too much energy
16. what characteristic do you most admire in a person? knowing when to shut up
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R
1. flowers or angels: urgh. a dark room with some heavy metal playing please.
2. grey or black? black
3. color or black and white photos? black and white
4. lust or love?: both
5. sunrise or sunset?: neither, midnight does me just fine
6. m&ms or skittles? skittles
7. rap or rock? rock, or a combination of the two
8. staying up late or waking up early? staying up late
D O . Y O U . P R E F E R
1. being hot or cold? cold
3. winter or Fall?: winter, the colder the better
4. left or right: left
5. having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? don't really mind, because acquaintances can always become friends, then you'd have 10 of them :)
6. rain or snow? snow
7. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? vanilla - love it
8. vodka or jack?: jack by the bucket load