[[Before The Media]]
Do you watch the Gilmore Girls?: OH YES! I love that show.
Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson?: Yeah.
Do you listen to Christian rock? Eh yea, depends if if they are good or not just like any other band.
Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?: I liked it the first season, but it went wayyyyy downhill after that and i stopped watching it.
Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.?: No, sorry.
Do you regularly watch the news?: I watch the news every morning while i put on makeup to see what the top stories are and watch the weather to see what to wear.
Which radio stations are your favorites?: Um, when i do listen to the radio i usually turn to 91.1 or 105.3, or 94.1. They are all good i guess.
Are you a Lost fanatic?: YES! like a 110%! Can you believe that Sawyer guy squished that poor innocent tree frog and then gave it to Hurly : (
[[Be honest]]
Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?: No, but i like one of his songs.
Queen?: No, but again, i like some of their songs. I have no comp right now so a Music Library on my comp doesnt exist right now.
Alanis Morissette?: I do have that!
Do you watch Family Guy regularly?: Nope. I have only seen a dvd of it with Joel, it was pretty funny. But i havent seen it on TV.
The Simpsons?: Noooooooo...despite Brooke's persuasion.
King of the Hill?: Never seen it.
[[Admit it]]
Do you read trashy romance novels often?: Not at all.
Do you really work out every day?: I wish, but no.
Have you ever eaten chocolate in bed?: Of course.
Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, ice cream by yourself? No way, that would kill me.
Have you ever spent an entire day in bed without being sick?: Almost, especially after 48 hours film festival.
Have you ever eaten nothing but junk food for a week straight?: No.
Do you shower every single morning, no exceptions?: No way, i didnt take a shower yesterday : )
Have you ever gone to school/work only 15 minutes after waking up?: Yep.
Do you ever forget to give a Christmas present & instead keep it for yourself?: No, I haven't.
Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you're driving alone?: Constantly.
Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home?: yep and im the only person up in the mornings so i can do it as loud as i want to.
Do you go nights without brushing your teeth?: Try not to, but there are those nights when im utterly exhausted and just fall asleep in my clothes.
Have you ever watched a little kid's show when you were over 12?: Rollie Pollie Ollie!!!!
Have you ever looked forward to go to school?: Yes.
[[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]]
Have you ever had an explicit dream involving your crush?: Explicit, no, dream, yes.
...Did it include a broom closet?: Hah, no.
Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they really weren't?: No, but i have wished they were with me.
Did you draw for your first crush back in elementary school/preschool?: Draw? ha,ok. Um, no. Nothing says i have a crush on you like a good drawing! Its more like did you chase your crush in elementary, then i would say yes.
(Girls) Have you ever asked a guy out?: Hahaha... nope. Boys make me nervous.
(Guys) Have u ever liked a girl but didnt ask her out b/c you were afraid?: ----
Have you and a (past or present) significant other ever made an 'Our Song'?: Yes.
Have you ever written a poem/story about your love life?: Yep.
An autobiography?: I think a poem about me is considered an autobiography.
Have u ever listened to a song repeatedly just b/c it reminded you of your crush?: Sadly, yes.
Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush?: Probably not constantly... but frequently in an hour. Yes.
Do you reread meaningless AIM convos just because they're with your crush?: When im bored, i will go through stuff on my comp, not just aim conversations.
Have you ever reconsidered liking someone because of their appearance?: No.
Have you ever liked someone solely for their appearance?: No.
[[The Questions You Love: Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]]
Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?: HA no. i dont even eat 3 of the food groups a day.
Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?: No, i like organized chaos.
Have you ever been treated for OCD? ADD?: Treated, no. But ive been told i have ADD.
Do you own a graphing calculator?: Yes.
Have you ever been to South America or Africa?: No.
Have you ever owned a Klutz book or kit?: I dont even know what that is.
Do you know how to knit?: Yes.
Do you have a cellphone or iPod with a patterened cover?: No, but corey does!
Have you ever written song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile?: No, sounds depressing and cheesy at the same time.
Do you keep a diary or journal (online or on paper)?: Yes, both.
Did you ever want to be an astronaut or a teacher when you were a kid?: I wanted to be an astronaut, then an archeologist, and now a journalist/interior designer.
Do you own a striped sweater?: I dont think so.
How often do you take a bubble bath?: Pretty Often, im such a bath person.
When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your clothes?: I would say greens and blues/teals or black.
[[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]]
Baskin Robbins or Coldstones?: Coldstone Cake Batter ice cream, yummmm.
Sees or Godiva?: See's Toffee nugget choco bars, and carmel filled Godiva. yummmmmmm..
The Shins or the Decemberists?: The Decemberists.
America or Canada?: America, i wouldnt want to learn french and im not a fan of ice hockey.
Physics or chemistry?: Chemistry, but biology really.
Glamorous or au naturale?: Natural most of the time, Glamorous for special ocassions.
Earphones or headphones?: Headphones. Earphones hurt my head.
Chocolate brown or teal?: Teal, but brown too.
Earrings or a ring?: Ring considering i dont have my ears pierced.
Commitment or casual dating?: Commitment.
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: Harrrrry Potttter.
Fly or road trip?: Road Trip because my ears get all plugged up when i fly and they really hurt.
Starbucks or Petes?: coffee is yucky.
Athletics or academics?: What about an Acedemic athlete?
[[Another Wave of Random Questions]]
Do you know what a geisha is?: Yep, they are pretty too.
What is your favorite Disney movie?: Hurcules.
Do you have a more classic style or do you stay up-to-date (clothes wise)?: hmm, i think im old school.
How much jewelry do you own?: Not alot because im allergic to cheap jewelry (not a joke) and to nickle. so i just stay away from them.
What year do/did you graduate high school in?: 2006
Have you memorized the rejection hotline, just in case?: Nope.
Have you ever given someone the rejection hotline as your number?: Nope.
Have you ever eaten at a food court?: Mhmm.
Have you ever bought clothes at Sears?: I thought they were just an appliance store...go figure.
Do you own any Care Bears memorabilia?: No but my bro did, he still has care bear sheets in his closet.
Do you have a quilt on your bed?: I have a HUGE comforter.