
Jun 23, 2007 11:23

I'm in Boston (well, Waltham or something) right now, in the most comfortable hotel bed I've ever experienced (which doesn't actually say that much, since I've been in a lot of really uncomfortable hotel beds before).

Hearing of everyone's traffic problems driving here, I'm super relieved I decided to fly and even moreso pleased I convinced Mom to come with me.

My classes are going well; I really like photography, and I'm apparently really good at it.

Up until yesterday or so, I was happy because I had made a friend in my drawing class, and then yesterday he asked me about my "boyfriend" and other questions that make me go "ahhh dammit."

I hope that when I have children and have to leave them sometimes that I don't worry about them as much as I do my cats. I told Timmy to spend lots of time there and to have friends over to help him cuddle them.

I received three more of those Mickey Rooney spam emails:

Subject: dahomey apprehension announce
Anna Page

burt consequential abigail curb. abhorrent bluet applied boot advocacy conduit. chinquapin allstate
cormorant continuous cytolysis divergent chagrin doctoral ac. denture attend bicentennial corrodible charon codeword busy.

Subject: canyon benz cutesy
Hannah Reeder
cloy coors, bestowal coverage craft, blockage adrienne. coulomb automorphism acrimonious diffeomorphic
boulevard bessel airspeed. consignee bryant carmen amateur algenib cater consolidate cartography
chaise baud chub calfskin. animal canticle abed cochran adjective classic distribution

Subject: acrylate charles amide
Mara Prater
barbarian anniversary bourn conjectural. crook agony binocular berman defect bragg. as brethren
calcite be animadversion bestow absorptive copperhead demagogue. cordite basel blazon comfort boyar cold bloodroot.

Those things amuse me.

Yesterday in the Cleveland airport, I went to Starbucks to get a green tea frappuccino. The guy told me they were out of frappuccino (I'm assuming that means they were out of... ice?), so I decided I'd have a green tea latte. I'm not sure they knew what they were doing, because that drink definitely had coffee in it. Weirdest taste ever.

A coffee-esque quasi-scientific side-discussion:
You know how I don't drink coffee because it always makes me sick to my stomach then fall asleep for hours (presumably because caffeine shuts off your hearts regulator making your blood pump at a natural pace, mine being very slow)? Well, since I've been medicated for ADHD (which has significantly raised my blood pressure to a not-almost-deadly-slow to a still-healthy faster pace), I've been wondering if I might be able to drink coffee now. Well, I haven't had a time in which I could safely test the theory, but since the coffee was sort of sprung upon me, I waited for the results.

Well, I didn't have any problems until after Donna picked up Mom and me from the airport and we were driving to the hotel. Then, I suddenly became ridiculously tired and developed a sore stomach. I thought the delayed reaction was weird, but then I realized that my medication had probably worn off.

In conclusion, I think that I will be able to drink coffee as long as I drink it in the middle of the day so that it has plenty of time to leave my system before my blood pressure returns to its normal state...perhaps even in the morning hours, after the Concerta has been given sufficient time to kick in (granted defeating the purpose many people drink coffee). However, I've only ever liked coffee for its taste, not for the effects. I hope that at least one person will find this discussion to be of interest.

Oh, and apparently younger kids are using compressed air to get high, so I got carded at Office Max the other day when purchasing the stuff to blast dust off of my negatives. Even though I think it's a little ridiculous to be carding for cans of air, I figure I'd better get used to being carded. People apologize to me for thinking I'm younger just by my looks, but I'm pretty much okay with it; I know that I look young, and I know that if I try to look older, I just look younger. I also know that when I'm nearly 60, I certainly won't look it (a la my mother).

Oh, and my camera strap tanline blended in, which is positive.

The end.

geekiness, my mother, school, awkward interactions, family, being a dumb girl, weddings, adhd, car, vanity

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