Mar 21, 2013 01:56
My computer stopped working AGAIN a couple of weeks ago. It's back up again, but wasn't taking a charge. Amazon fixed things though, since the adapter was only a month or two old. They've been pretty good to me on returns.
I got a gaming mouse, but it's too complicated for me to understand, so I can't do much with it. I'm not so hot with new technology.
Also, since I started using the new mouse, I have been having odd virus like issues with my computer. Esc works as alt-tab now. Writing in fields doesn't work (I'm writing this on my wife's machine.) (1) I am wondering if I screwed up my computer by installing mouse software while it was being good and actually working. When my computer works, I really shouldn't do anything to throw it off. I've gone 3 years with no viruses, and avast works pretty well for me, though I guess it's possible that the moment I installed the mouse software my machine got it's first virus without me doing anything. It doesn't seem likely.
So for tonight I am yet again claiming my wife's machine for my own purposes. Household eminent domain law. I hope I didn't ruin my computer with this mouse. It so rarely works right, and had been doing so well lately. I had begun rooting for it in a Bad News Bears sort of way. What a letdown.
(1) Is there some universal world for fields you can type text in? Or are these just called fields? Like on this screen there is the url bar at the top, the subject line, and this big window thingie.