Jun 02, 2010 02:11
So, in a fit of nostalgia, I re-read every. Entry. I. Posted. Here.
Honestly. If I knew then what I know now, I'd smack the shit outta myself for being so dumb. Ah well, that's life. It's a big learning experience, and then you share what you learned with the next generation. Hopefully they don't laugh at you because you're a senile old man who craps his pants and talks into sea shells hoping to have the mermaid on the other end grant your wish of having grandchildren who help weed the weeds.
Also run-on sentences. :D
It's kinda funny, really. In re-reading it all I kinda laughed at myself. At the moment of each posting, I felt as though I knew it all, like most teenagers. And of course, the world was coming to an end because I couldn't get over a few people leaving my life. It hurt then, and it'll no doubt hurt when it inevitably happens again. But the difference now is that I know how to handle it. Mostly. It depends on who it is. >_>
The first time is always the most rough. And that applies to everything. First time going to work, first time paying bills, first time riding a bike, first time riding a girl, even the first time you get hurt. It's nice to know that when things get rough, there is *always* someone to help you up. Because unless you have no connections of any kind, you're never alone, ever. You've always got someone to be your guiding star, your pillar of strength.
I still kinda see myself as a protector for my friends. Even if they don't need it I still try to be there for them, even if it's for a cheap laugh. And if no one needs anything, then I do things that make me happy. Collect Transformers, play some Xbox, exercise... I would say rolling in a mattress covered in $100 bills, but I don't have that many.
I only have like eighteen of them. XD
Honestly, I don't even know where I'm going with this entry. I guess re-reading all my old emo-tastic and lol-erific posts made me feel kinda reflective on my life for the past eight years.
A lot of them were when I was 18/19. That was four/five years ago, depending on the age.
God I was dumb. XD Kinda still am, since I've come to a completely random stop due to realizing that I'm just talking and words without meaning are coming out on the screen.