19 September 2003

Aug 11, 2007 12:23

pontdulioncourt wrote:
Oh yeah...
Whoops. Messaging is enabled now.

Why am I on this Pirates kick now? Argh...it's a bit disturbing...too many Irish jigs can do that to you. First thing you're listening to Riverdance on loop, next thing you know you're addicted to Pirates. The background music is strange...it's like classicy rock but it's not. There is certainly some synthesization going on with this, because this is not natural orchestra music.

And I like it.
themogwai wrote:
You're on a Pirates kick because POTC is a damn fine piece of fun! And the music is much excellent, too.

Imagine that... Jack Sparrow et al wonder into Walachia (spooky hand movements)/Middle Earth:
Sparrow: Oh, er, anyone perchance caught a fleeting glimpse of a sequel anywhere round 'ere?
Varney: Down that lane, bear left at the Orc and straight on till morning.
Sparrow: Cheers very much, mate (he and Dracula swap weird hand/eye movements for a moment. Dracula scares Sparrow with his even weirder weirdness) Ta muchly (With a worried look back at Dracula, Sparrow and his cast heave a rowing boat over their heads and trot down the aforementioned lane.)
Spike: What the heck is that all about?
Varney: Disguise, dummy! It's brilliant- wow- (looks round frantically) did anyone see where the pirates went? DID ANYONE SEE WHERE THE PIRATES WENT??!! ARRGHHHHH!! (Runs in circle, flapping arms. Is caught by Spike and Jean-Claude, who sit him down and feed him a Prozac lammas bread tablet. Varney looks much happier.)

Your banana recipe has too much sugar- no wonder you post a little... hyper? Danger, Will Robinson!

I have downloaded the MP3s available on the DOTV website. Rather fun, isn't it? It'd make a better album that show, I think- then you could get Meatloaf's impressive vocals in for the head vampire, too.

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