Aug 11, 2007 12:21
pontdulioncourt wrote:
Casting: Monty Rice and the Grail of the Damned
Here's the cast list for Monty Rice and the Grail of the Damned as of today.
The Cast (in order of appearance)
King Arthur- Marius de Romanus
Patsy- Mael
Soldier #1- Erik
Soldier #2- Santino
Cart Master- Khyman
Customer- Akasha
Dead Person- Enkil
Dennis- Santino
Woman- Allessandra
Black Knight- Santiago
Green Knight- God of the Grove
Villager #1- Felix
Villager #2- Estella
Sir Bedevere- Armand
Witch- Niki
Villager #3- Les Innocents vampire #5
Villager #4- Les Innocents vampire #9
Narrator- Lestat
Sir Lancelot- David
Sir Galahad- Lestat
Sir Robin- Louis
Prisoner- Enkil
Man- Santiago
God- Memnoch
French Guard- Lestat
Historian- Marius
Knight- Akasha
Historian’s Wife- Pandora
Minstrel- Daniel
Left Head- Maharet
Middle Head- Jesse
Right Head- Mekere
Zoot- Armand
Piglet- Armand
Winston- Armand
Dingo- Armand
Old Man/Bridgekeeper- God of the Grove
Tim the Enchanter- Khyman
Head Knight of Ni- Santiago
Cartoon Character- Daniel
Father- Marius
Prince Herbert- Armand
Guard #1- Daniel
Guard #2- Khyman
Concorde- Louis
Guest #1- Santiago
Guest #2- Santino
Old Crone- Allessandra
Roger the Shrubber- Daniel
Rabbit of Caerbannog- Lestat
Bors- Claudia
Brother Manyard- Louis
Second Brother- Daniel
Animator- the Body Thief
Subject to change as this is a work in progress.
Scene One: Opening
First scenes for Monty Rice
Scene 1
(clop clop clop)
Marius: Woah there!
(clop clop clop)
Erik: Halt! Who goes there?
Marius: It is I, Marius, Lord of the Manor, painter of Florence, enlightened rich guy, and master of a group of young boys.
Erik: Seriously? I mean…pull the other one!
Marius: I am! And this is my servant Mael.
Mael: You’ll pay for this…
Marius: Shh!
Erik: What, ridden on a horse?
Marius: You could say that?
Erik: You’re using coconuts!
Marius: No, actually they’re two empty paint pots. Hence the echoey clanging sound.
Erik: You’re using paint pots!
Marius: We’ve sacheted a long way over through the deserts of Egypt, past Paris, through the streets of New Orleans…
Erik: Why aren’t you using coconuts?
Marius: We couldn’t find them.
Erik: You mean that in all of your travels you didn’t…
Marius: But this is a temperate zone! Coconuts are tropical!
Erik: The swallow may fly south for the winter and the…
Marius: Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?
Erik: They could be carried.
Marius: Why do you care if we aren’t using coconuts?
Erik: There’s a tree right behind you!
(Marius and Mael turn to see a plant.)
Marius: That’s a cactus.
Erik: So?
Marius: Wait…this is a temperate zone.
Santino: What about them road runners? The ones that run from the coyotes? They could carry a cactus.
Marius: I’m not interested.
Erik: You’re the one who refuses to carry coconuts and bang ‘em together for some odd reason, Mr. Lord of Small Boys. You’re going to listen to the consequences!
Marius: I’m leaving!
Santino: I’m saying that maybe one could run really fast with a kite and bring the cactus over the sea by…
Subject to change
The Village
More from Monty Rice
(In village)
Khyman: Bring out your dead!
Akasha: I have one.
Enkil: I’m not dead!
Khyman: He says he’s not dead.
Akasha: Too bad. I’m moving on to better things. He’s dead.
Enkil: I’m not dead!
Khyman: Rules say I can’t take him unless he’s dead.
Akasha: I make the rules!
Khyman: Hold on…
(Drains Enkil)
Akasha: Thank you.
Khyman: Don’t mention it. Bring out your dead! (clang)
Must I repeat it?