Apr 09, 2005 16:21
Chelle4u44: I know my dad said not to talk to you but I cant help it!! heres my page: camqueen.us.tt
That is my new all-time favorite sexbot message.
Things have been great lately.
Is that the first time I've ever really said that on here? Probably not, but it feels like it. Things really have been rad, though...the weather's been getting really nice, I've been with friends a lot, school is ridiculously easy, and fuck...im gonna be playing a show soon! So good. My band is called The New Rhetoric, we've been together for the better part of five months or so now, and it's such a crazy, scary feeling to think that we're gonna be playing soon. I'm excited though. The show is May 6th at the mohn building, and we're gonna be going on at like...6:30 or so. exciting stuff.
also, go see Sin City. What a crazy movie...but so worth watching. I don't even really think I can describe it much...just...go pay the 7 bucks for a ticket.
Man...what else. I feel like posting today for once, so I better get it all out.
I'm stoked for summer. It's definetly gonna be the best summer I've had so far..it has to be. Everything is lined up to be so great right now...I hope everything stays the same.
Whatever...I'm done with the silly "I love everything" shit. I'll go back to being my old cynical self in ten minutes.