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May 04, 2009 09:00

Note: I've been roleplaying from the Soul Eater series since before I had access to the official English translation, and this probably goes for others, too. Unfortunately, this means we're sort of all over the place with our terms. We tried to come up with a concrete way of referring to everything, but since (at this point) it really doesn't look like it will work out perfectly, here are both versions of each alongside their meanings, just so you know what we're talking about. OTL

Use this to save yourself from a headache!

The Soul Eater series is supposed to take place in America, so I like to use the English terms, but since the author was Japanese, obviously some of the original terms sound really... well... Japanese.

♫ Kishin / Demon god: A person, once human, whose soul has been corrupted through the consumption of the souls of good people. (NOTE: The English manga and anime dub failed to anglicize that, but that's because they're silly.)

♫ Meister / Technician: A person who wields a demon weapon, like Soul Eater or Death Scythe. (NOTE: The term "meister" appears in both the Eng/Jap versions of Soul Eater's anime and manga. "Technician" seems to have sprung up from scanlations somehow.)

♫ Shibusen (Shinigami Buki Shokunin Senom) / DWMA (Death Weapon Meisters Academy): Death's school for training weapons and their partners, established to prevent more demon gods from ever coming into being.

♫ Shinigami / Lord Death / The Grim Reaper, etc.: Death himself. A black-robed, skull mask-wearing, soul-reaping being of tremendous power, and creator Shibusen/DWMA. Acts as the "principal" of the school.

Sorry for the confusion. Thanks!;;


[Character Name] Soul Eater Evans
[Canon] Soul Eater
[Point Taken from Canon] After the demon god (Asura) has been re-awakened and Chrona has joined Shibusen

[Age] 13 or 14
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Hetero

[Eye Color] Red
[Hair Color] White
[Height] Approx. 5'5"? He kind of slouches, so... :C
[Other] He has seriously pointy teeth, which kind of makes him look like a shark or something. He also has a long scar on his torso from his left shoulder to right hip. In scythe-form, he is the mighty toucan blade.
[Clothing] Varies. His clothes are usually casual-cool.

[Background] Soul Eater is a weapon.

Or rather, he's a person that can turn into a weapon. In human-form, he's a somewhat laid-back sort of guy, who's pretty much just a regular kid his age. He hangs out with his friends, has parties, stuff like that. He is also a student at Shibusen in Death City, Shinigami's school for weapons and technicians. There, weapons and their techs learn about their skills and strength and are also sent on missions to collect the souls of the evil. The souls in question are ones that are in danger of going out of control and becoming Kishin (evil things that are a force to be reckoned with because they devoured the souls of good people). When an enemy is defeated, the tech's weapon then consumes the enemy's soul. After having absorbed 99 human souls and one witch soul, the weapon becomes a Death Scythe, which is the strongest kind of weapon there is, and is even suitable for use by Shinigami himself.

Soul and his partner, Maka, are determined to keep fighting until Soul becomes a Death Scythe, too.

In weapon-form, Soul Eater takes the form of an impressive red and black scythe. He's still completely aware in this form, however, and can talk to Maka and see what's going on. Damage to him as a scythe means the same as damage to his human form, though--he gets hurt.

At the point in canon he's coming from, Soul has absorbed some of Ragnarok's black blood. In a previous fight with Chrona, he was badly injured and absorbed some of the black blood from Chrona's body, which contains Chrona's weapon, Ragnarok, and the potential for the soul wavelength of insanity. As such, Soul has been tainted by Chrona's insanity and can call forth the powers of the insanity in a pinch. The black blood renders Maka temporarily insane (as when they fight, their souls are merged, and hers is then tainted by his), which makes them considerably stronger. Prolonged use of the black blood could render them unable to return to sanity, however, and so they don't make a point of using it a lot.

Plot-wise, the Death Scythes from around the world have been gathering in Death City to help fight against the rising new threat of the witch Medusa and the awakened Kishin. Soul and Maka recently befriended Chrona during the fight against the Kishin (who, of course, escaped...) and Shinigami has allowed Chrona to become a student at their school. The kids are presently having a little downtime, and during that downtime is when Soul ends up in Somarium. :>

[Personality] Soul is a laid-back teenager who likes to think about all the usual teenagery things, especially... being cool. He thinks he's a pretty cool guy. He's easy to get along with and not hard to talk to. He's determined to become stronger so that he can protect Maka like any good weapon (or friend) would. She's one of his best friends, and although they bicker sometimes, when it comes down to it, they will support each other so they can make it through their problems.

Soul's also one of the more rational members of his group of friends, and is actually inclined to calm down and try to think up a plan instead of charging headlong into danger like Black*Star. He enjoys having a good time, and will occasionally neglect school (EG: skipping class with his BFF Black*Star so they can go confront "THE NEW GUYYYYYY"), but he will do what needs to be done rather than just protest. He's not a totally devoted student, but he does what he needs to.

At this point, he's a little insecure, too, worrying about the nature of the black blood and the conversations he has with this freaky little demon thing the insanity has put inside his soul. He really just wants to become stronger and worries inwardly that maybe the power he has now won't be enough to stop all future threats and protect him and his partner.
[Specialties/Abilities] Um, definitely the scythe thing, first and foremost. He's a pretty formidable opponent. He also plays the piano really well, although he doesn't talk about it...

[Affection] Soul is a pretty typical teenage boy, excluding the whole scythe dealie. He sometimes will do, like, super BFF tiem hugs with Black*Star in a buddy-buddy way, but not very often. He's not very huggable, and he's probably not going to latch onto anyone.
[Fighting] On his own, Soul's fighting skill is kind of compromised, since he would only be partially in weapon-form. He can turn parts of his body into a blade and stuff like that, so he's essentially always armed and ready to go.

When he's with Maka, though, he's a force to be reckoned with because he can be in full scythe form. He resonates his soul with Maka's and their speed and strength become quite impressive.

[Other Permissions]
Can telepathic characters read your character's mind?
Yes, yes, and yes. Despite his best efforts to hide it, Soul actually has really terrible self-esteem. Feel free to badger him about anything pertaining to this.

[Other Facts] Anyone could try to wield Soul if he was into the idea, but results aren't guaranteed. If their soul wavelengths match up well enough, it's possible someone besides Maka could do a decent job fighting with him, but if not, the scythe will feel very heavy and might be hard to swing. No fun! D:

(I seriously want someone to try, though, so if you have a character who might like to try swinging around a huge badass scythe for the lulz, tell me.)


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