My surroundings, in 'top ten' form

Jun 19, 2006 22:38

Top ten greatest things about Cachan and the ENS:

10. My lunch costs 2 euros 70, every day.
9. My dinner can cost 2 euros 70, every day, if I'm feeling especially cheap.
8. The laboratory I work in is split between 3 different floors.
7. Every intersection between the ENS and the RER station is a rotary.
6. This time of year, the sun is still not quite set at 10:45pm.
5. The largest squat in France is inside ENS Cachan campus borders.
4. The town has a municipal van stocked with loudspeakers to drive around making important announcements.
3. Pizza delivery is STRICTLY by moped only.
2. McDonalds is the most expensive food you can buy without sitting down to dine at a restaurant.
1. There are many more rollerbladers than skateboarders.

I have decided that I prefer Rhone Valley wines to Bordeaux wines.
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