current clothing:basketball shorts and a tool shirt current mood:bored and sickly current taste:the mucus in the back of my throat current hair:desheviled current annoyance:the phone not ringing when 3 ppl are supposed to call me current smell:nothing (sick duh) current thing you ought to be doing:sleeping maybe current jewelry:none current book:dream catcher- stephen king current refreshment:h2o current worry:jamie i hope shes gonna be alright current crush:hmm she got me into this ill tell u that much current favorite celebrity:i dunno if the hilton sisters werent so anorexic looking theyd be really hott but i will always like pauley shore current longing:a relationship... current music:jet current wish:not telling current lyric in your head:jet current makeup (if you're a girl!): current undergarments:uhh the usual current regret:getting sick current desktop picture:70 buick skylark current plans for tonight/weekend:dennys... dennys current cuss word du jour:fucka current disappointment:myself current amusement:hilliary current IM/person you're talking to:kim current love:i know not current obsession:writing current avoidance:ashley current thing or things on your wall:pictures current favorite book:harry potter current favorite movie:underworld
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