Whiskey and nudity

Mar 26, 2007 00:53

Murdoc gets a full bottle of whiskey from the bar before leading Sands to his room. He locks the door behind them because he doesn't need anymore babysitting assignments from Red while he has company ( Read more... )

rp, sands

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shooting_blind March 26 2007, 05:21:03 UTC
Sands stands in the middle of the room because he thinks he must look pretty fucking stupid looking for a place to sit. He'll wait for Muds to pull him somewhere.
"Sure. And one of those straws shaped like a little prick."
He plucks the bottle out of Murdoc's hand and twists the cap off.


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 05:37:09 UTC
"Ha. Fuck you. I'm all out."
Muds grabs hold of Sands' shirt and drags him to the couch. He drops down and pulls Sands down on his lap. Now he can feel a little better about what he was missing in Jack's room.


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 05:47:16 UTC
The reason Sands loves to play at being submissive is because he never feels overpowered by anyone. Never thinks anyone can beat him. Ever. Except perhaps a few minutes when he was getting used to being blind... But that was quickly forgotten. It's fun to play with Murdoc. Sands doesn't have to trick him or weasel it out of him like he does El. He's easier to be with in every way. His heart doesn't ache when Murdoc walks jangling into the room.
Sands cuddles up to him but is keeping the bottle close to his chest.


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 06:03:49 UTC
"What's this? Don't plan on sharing? Greedy fucker."
One arm hooks tight around Sands' middle to keep him where he is. The other goes up to tangle fingers in the man's hair just tight enough to threaten getting tighter. He licks along Sands' neck.

"Or does the naked part of your plan gotta come before the drinking part?"
He chuckles under his breath, but nothing full or loud enough to betray the sort of odd giddiness he's working to hide.


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 06:15:09 UTC
Sands might have wiggled in Murdoc's lap just a bit there. It was subtle.

"I never said I needed a drinking buddy. Or who was getting naked."
Sands only half closes his eyes (because he knows Muds likes them) when he leans in for a kiss. He doesn't get very far and he didn't plan to. He just likes the tight hold on his hair and that pulling at his scalp. Forcing Murdoc into a tease that is entirely his own fault is a bonus.


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 06:39:53 UTC
"Hnnn... Well, I'll accept you drunk and naked. Still a good plan."
Even the most subtle movements in the muscles of Sands' ass are more than welcome. Murdoc licks his lips when there's so nearly a kiss. He leans in to close some of that distance and goes from restraining Sands to pushing to get those lips to his.


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 06:49:16 UTC
When he's being held back- Sands pulls at the hand in his hair to get closer. But the moment things change he's pushing back against Muds to keep his distance. The game is given away some by the small grin on his face. Same one he has when kicking puppies.

"Hummm. My plan was to offer shots for clothes but now I remember something about me not being able to see too clearly... Your plan sounds better."


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 07:01:53 UTC
The chase is exciting and infuriating all at once. Muds growls and snaps his teeth at the man fleeing his advances.

"I hear I'm not too bad a read in braille, y'know."
The hand around Sands' waist works to sneak its way under and inside of the agents shirt to smooth over bare skin.


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 07:15:14 UTC
Sands pulls back, lowering his face a little when he's snapped at. Ooh, don't hurts me, mister Murdoc. Now that he's tested the waters and knows what Muds wants he lays it on thick. Sands wiggles about pressing the bottle to his chest like a shield and pouts as he makes falsely discouraging sounds that seem too sexual to be honest.

The agent changes the game very suddenly, tilting his head back and to the side for a frenzied open mouthed kiss, ending it just as quickly and going back to half assedly wiggling his way out of Murdoc's grip. Sands is trying to keep him confused while at the same time- making Murdoc think he knows what game they're playing. Because Sands isn't up for the grown up version yet. He needs a little healing time. But he doesn't want to say no either.


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 07:31:33 UTC
Clawing, pawing and fighting to keep Sands with him, even when the man isn't really trying to escape is enough to get Murdoc's heart going. He hasn't had the man this responsive to him in so long.

He moans into the kiss because he simply can't help it. It also finishes the job Sands' wiggling ass started and gets Muds fully hard. His dick is turned uncomfortably under his new/old lover, but he doesn't want to ask Sands to move.

"Mmmm... C'mon. I'm not gonna hurt you. Promise."
One rough hand works to pull at Sands' shirt and try to be rid of the thing.


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 07:55:40 UTC
He's heard that one before. A lot. Though he knew what he was getting into every time. Murdoc may be crazier then any of them on their worst days but he also feels something for Sands more then just lust and the self loathing that came afterwards and got him hit. But he's not a kid anymore. Not even close. Even though the hands on him and the familiar promise makes him feel like one for a moment. He's in control here. A better control then the other times because he has the experience. Those other times were exciting even if they didn't always end well. Murdoc isn't going to beat him up. At least he hopes not. Because the ultimate goal here beyond keeping Muds thinking with his dick is to get him worked up for a few days before the big show. Only it entails keeping him from getting what he really wants. At least that's the plan. Those words have never turned him on more then just now ( ... )


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 08:18:44 UTC
Right now, anything they could do where he just knows Sands is with him, listening to him, feeling him...anything would be good. Murdoc hasn't changed completely in ten years, though, no. He would still give anything to have Sands screaming ans clawing under him. That glorious sound that's somewhere between agony and ecstasy tearing its way through Sands at Murdoc's command... He misses that. But he can be gentle. He knows how. At least, he remembers knowing how. He hasn't had call for it with Sands much in a while. Not since he gave up on getting the man back to normal.

The fight for Sands' clothing is as much just fun as it is arousing. But then his friend's arms are pinned behind his body and he looks so weak and helpless... Murdoc wants to just claim every inch of Sands as his. He winds the shirt up to keep Sands' arms tied and pulls the agent closer, kissing and licking at neck, shoulders and chest.


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 08:33:50 UTC
"Murdoc, stop."
The breathy moan doesn't fit the command. Neither does the way his hips grind against the bottle between them. It spills over making a mess- mostly out of them because the bottom slide to the side and the neck is in their laps. But spilled booze that was just snatched doesn't mean anything right now. It's easily replaceable.
Soon he snaps out of it and remembers the plan. Sands fights against him harder really trying to slow things down.

He lifts up on his knees, letting the alcohol spill on Murdoc and nearly tries to bite before he realizes that wont help a goddamn thing. He was overestimating himself again. Fighting with Jack does that. He forgets how much stronger others are.
"I can't..."
His lids flutter loosing whatever he was planning to say under Murdoc's tongue. The upper hand is gone so in an effort to get it back he goes for confusion.
"Peanut butter!"


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 08:46:33 UTC
If either one of them was more sane, they would have developed a safe word at some point. Because when either is really out for control; things like 'no', 'stop', and 'don't' lose their meaning. It's all part of the game. It makes it better.

For now, 'peanut butter' will do. It comes just as Muds is adjusting to Sands' change in position. One hand is supporting bare back as the other works its way down into the back of Sands' jeans. Whiskey running down the inside of Murdoc's thighs does nothing to slow him, but random insanity does. For once, it wasn't expected.
"Nnnn... Wait.. What the fuck? I won't knock it til I've tried it, but I don't see the need."


shooting_blind March 26 2007, 08:56:38 UTC
He's trying to work his wrists free of his own shirt but so far he just feels really stupid for not being able to get out of it. He really can;t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. But he can lean to the side enough to get off Murdoc's lap. The agent sits there with his knees up and glaring. Or the equivalent that his face has to glaring. Ones bottom lip shouldn't stick out as much.

"I hate to be the party pooper here but I was not exaggerating when I told you what Muds did to me. I'm not ready for this. Or a colostomy bag."


thecompanymutt March 26 2007, 09:17:04 UTC
Now he sees the fighting isn't just for fun anymore. Murdoc lets Sands get away from him and furrows his brows as the man looks so upset. He thought things were going damn well. Muds lifts the bottle that tipped into his lap and brings it up to his lips to drink some of the half-bottle that remains.

"Ha... Sweet fucking hell. That's it? I don't know if I'm flattered, embarrassed or horrified that you've let a less experienced version of myself ruin your ass, to be honest." He chuckles, and the sound is still very sexual. There has to be some way to keep this all going well. If not, he may die of the blue balls this day has been working at giving him.

"I, on the other hand, haven't done a damn thing to your ass yet. Seems like yer jumpin the gun here."
He moves slow and careful to slide Sands' shirt free.


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