The day before, he had given Claire a speech about what he had done. Maybe not a speech, exactly, but a dialogue between two mature adults about the matters of the past. Today, he was out of the wheelchair and into a crutch, his pain medication reduced
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Honestly, he wasn't even sure if there would be a doctor on duty this morning. It could just be Peter and the patients, not that this would bother him. Having specialized in hospice nursing, he was used to being alone with the patient.
Pulling the scrub shirt the clothes box had seen fit to give him over his head, Peter walked into the clinic. Not bothering to look around, he set his messenger bag next to a table and sat down, pulling a clipboard off a shelf.
Why hide?
Bennet still had a weapon if needed. "Peter Petrelli," he said evenly. We meet again.
Claire's father.
"Mr. Bennet," Peter returned just as evenly, turning slowly in his chair. Inwardly Peter winced; he didn't know when Bennet was from, how long he'd been on the island, or how he would react to Peter telling him that he did not ever meet him before this very moment.
"Gunshot wound," he said in lieu of answering Bennet's question. Looking up, he added, "You're very lucky, Mr. Bennet. Two inches in another direction and I wouldn't be talking to you."
But that obviously wasn't what they really needed to talk about, now was it?
"Your daughter's an amazing person," he said, eyeing Bennet carefully. "And I haven't let anything happen to her."
"I saved her because I had to. It was the right thing to do. That man, Sylar...he needs to be stopped."
It was an honest admission and one he was sure of, at that. "At this point in time, what's critical is establishing a home for myself and healing. Past that, I'd like to look into the manner of my arrival here. Claire's safety will be a constant concern." His tone was that of a father giving a normal lecture.
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