Nov 16, 2008 23:40
The book fair has been fucking nuts. I've been pulling thirteen-to-fourteen hours a day with about four-hour sleep shifts in between, very little smoke breaks, and I may or may not be ready to pass out at any given point during the day. They do sometimes play decent music, so at least I don't feel a need to fall asleep on my feet and instead dance around like an idiot. At least we're doing good sales, or so I hear. Also, my part-timers have been, to a man, fucking awesome. I've had absolutely no major problems with any of them, and I foresee them all getting their bonuses at the end of this thing. I have been having problems with some of the HR and Marketing staff from the HQ, who are just pissing me off for no reason at all. It seems, our sister company really dislikes us. I assume it's out of jealousy as we are way cooler than them. Regardless, my boss told them off about picking on me and my staff (both full-time and part-time), and they've backed off somewhat. We'll see if this holds, 'cause I'm about ready to punch a specific HR lady in the throat.
The crush and I seem to have us an understanding. I can go on crushing on her, and she may or may not be crushing on me back (she will neither confirm nor deny), but the flirting continues unabated, and I most likely have a snowball's chance in Hell of making this work out in my favor what with the long-term relationship she's in (regardless of whether or not she's crushing back; after all, it's just a crush). Regardless, I am having fun flirting with her, and she seems to be having fun too. Also, she may or may not be reading this LJ right now, so let's keep the racier comments to a minimum, hey?
I am looking forward to the club-party thing on the 26th a lot. I have already told all the ladies who end up going that I will be dancing at least one dance with each of them, and that I can't actually dance worth a damn. But attempting to move my body to a rhythm is a lot of fun, no matter how ridiculous I look, and doing it with a partner is even better. "Low" is of course reserved for my pretty bird Rosa as it has become our song (or at the very least, I have made it our song).
I am also, of course, looking forward to the Spain trip that begins on the night of the 28th. I am looking forward to it a lot. Unfortunately, this means I'll be away from the staff for about ten days, and I've been away and will continue to be away from most of them until the fair is over. I will miss them terribly, but I hope to make a bunch of new friends from around the world at this thing, and then come back, rested and energized, and ready to help open up a brand-new store with Rosa and her half of the staff.
So, book fair, Spain, and new store. And that's all before the year is out, people. I am a busy fucking beaver.