last friday night

May 14, 2011 13:35

I'm still all chinhands over the Smallville finale, and indulging in a little nostalgia this morning by looking back through my oooold SV recs. And then I realized--in my last post, I was all REMEMBER HOW I USED TO BE OBSESSED WITH THIS SHOW BACK IN THE DAY? and then today I remembered uh, yeah, none of you would because I didn't even get an LJ until 2002 and I didn't start this fannish one until 2004, and I was basically already out of the fandom by then. Most of my lurkery particpation for SV was on TWoP and lists. Time passing, how does it work?

This episode was okay. I'm still enjoying the show a ton, but I feel like I'm still waiting for the plot to get going, if that makes sense. And there's only three episodes left, so that's not really encouraging.

Things I liked:

+ Morgan, Sybil, and Vivian, natch. oh, these ladies and their rather ridiculous scheming. I know I'm not supposed to be rooting for the ~house of evil women~ or whatever, but I work with what you give me, show. I work with what you give me, and if you wanted me to be rooting for Arthur, you shouldn't have made Castle Pendragon so much more entertaining.

+Morgan in general, tonight, and her welcome feast for Arthur. I feel bad for Arthur, because he honestly believes that Morgan wants to be friends/family and it is just like watching Lucy and Charlie Brown with the football. Well kind of. It's more like Charlie Brown's run toward the football, because he still hasn't seen that she's tricking him, but we all know she's going to pull it away.

Okay, it's a bad metaphor, but my other one involved fake-throwing balls to a puppy, so I went with what I had.

Though c'mon now, with all the travelling that Arthur and the knights has been doing (are they ever home, really), why hasn't Morgan just gone and taken over Camelot by now? blah blah gaining the trust of the people, blah blah trained men back at Camelot blah blah, but really, let's get this show on the road rather than turning into Igraine. And on that note, does this mean we get no Eva Green next episode now that she's shifted herself? Nooooooooo. I wish I could figure out what it is about the character of Igraine that I dislike so much. It might be the actress, or maybe just how she's written, but pretty much every time she is on screen I wish I had a DVR so I could skip through it.*

+Merlin complaining Camelot doesn't have a table.

+Leontes and Gawaine fighting. MORE KNIGHTS, PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

+Arthur. For all I rag on the character, I do love his sort of naive optimism.

+Guinevere demanding to learn how to fight, and her and the other ladies learning how to use a bow. I expected it, because the show is not exactly subtle when it comes to her characterization, but it was a nice moment nevertheless.

*spoiler for the preview: I am totally for Morgan turning into Igraine if it means we get a little Merlin/Morgan-as-Igraine action, negl.

tv: random, tv: camelot

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