using colors bold and bright

Mar 18, 2010 05:09


There's no words to describe how much joy I get out of music, y'all. Almost every kind of music. Yes, even country. I have a constant inner soundtrack to my life, and when I hear something I really like? Well, I'll basically be the excited RL equivalent of this:

It is one of my biggest regrets that I have only middling-at-best vocal ability and that college brought the end of my time in choirs. But that doesn't stop me from being a professional car-and-shower singer.

Anyway, the main point of this post is--what music are you all listening to right now? Doesn't have to be "new". I just want to know what you are really digging today.

For my part:

Thanks to the 90s music nostalgia going on with twitter and my flist, I've been digging out my old mix tapes and CDs, which then led me to remember Dave Matthews Band, which led me through a re-listen of a considerable list of DMB songs until I got to this one:

Maybe not one of their most popular singles, but I remember the first time I heard it, it was stuck in my head for days. I'm not a hardcore DMB fan, like half the people my age from my area I own Under the Table and Dreaming (on cassette, lol)* and Crash, and after that I could only tell you the radio singles, but there is just something so infectious about their music. I think going to a DMB concert would be an absolute ball.

A live mp3 of Grey Street, featuring a v. enthuastic crowd.

So, that's my song of the day on this beautiful Thursday. What about you?

*get ready for follow-up poll tomorrow on your music firsts. First record, first cassette, first CD (given, borrowed, or bought), first concert. And lol maybe first mp3? Somehow that doesn't sound quite so epic. I'll tell you right now, my first CD is both awesome and embarrasing.

music: i heart the 90s, omg yay, music, videos

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