Choppin Broccoli

May 08, 2009 16:30

I swear, one day, soon, I will make a post that is more than just me asking for help. Though, really, it's all you all's fault for being so awesome. ♥ But, today is not that day (actually, today might be that day, because I'm probably going to flail all over Supernatural once I've finished catching up on the flist. and decorating the gummi bears.)

I have two cooking conudrums! I have, in the past few days, been given:

1) two medium zucchinis
2) a lot (a lot) of cilantro.

The first problem is, I don't like (plain) zucchini, and no one else does in my house either. Any suggestions for sneaky ways to put zucchini in something without it tasting terribly like zucchini? (Like zucchini bread maybe??)

The second problem is uh...I have a ton of cilantro, and I have never used it in anything before. Any ideas? Or anyone know what is goes well with? I'm going to make up some samosas and use it in that, but googling hasn't been too helpful because I am looking for something that will use up a good amount of it, not just a teaspoon here or there.

And now, off to read the flist! Life's been super crazy and I haven't checked it in probably...four or so days. Eeeep! Sorry bbs.

adventures in cooking, tv: supernatural, flist powers activate!

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