
Mar 23, 2009 22:22

Death flu, crazy homework, crazy job-searching, crazy job, drowning in stress, no time to read the flist, ect.

But I took a break for NBC Monday.

I LOVE the idea of Chuck working on the Intersect by himself. I really wasn't a fan of Sarah (and the CIA in general) tonight, even though I understand why she has do what she as to for her job. But ouch, poor Chuck, finding out that the CIA wants him to keep the Intersect in his brain. I hope something comes of the Orion's blueprints plotline, I really do. It has a lot of potential to shake up the show.


Gah, whatever. And Tracy died too! At least they both had "good" deaths, with Tracy saving Micah, and Daphne dying at least a little happy, even if the Matt-Daphne flight was very Superman. And hooray that Angela Petrelli survived or else we would have been three-for-three in the female characters tonight, excluding Janice who wasn't really in it. I haven't been one to harp on the representation of women in Heroes, but really show? Really? Elle earlier, Tracy and Daphne tonight; Molly, Monica, Maya, all shuffled off-screen previously. All that's left on the show is what, Angela, Claire, and Sandra? Which granted is more than some shows have, but still. Am I forgetting anyone? Ah well, it's just an observation. I liked the rest of the show.

Mostly because I TOTALLY CALLED Micah as Rebel. Me, and like 100000 other people. It's good to see him again, Noah Grey-Cabal certainly has grown up since the start of the series. And I was rather charmed by Baby Touch-and-Go and Hiro/Ando. And once again, Angela Petrelli is > than you. I loved her little "frenemy" talk with Milli. HRG was also good as always. A truly solid episode, where I actually can understand most characters' motivation. Except I'm not sure where Peter came from in the elevator. But I can *handwave* that.

tv: brainz, tv: nerd herd

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