
Feb 26, 2009 18:08

Can I just start out by saying I have the BEST flist possible? All the recommendations you guys came up with in my last entry were fantastic. I love it when people are enthusiastic about their shows! (Or in the case of the BSG contingent, extremely enthusiastic :D)

I'm sorry I didn't respond to comments, RL got really hectic this past week, but consider this a GIANT THANK YOU \o/ to you all for helping. Also, LOL that only one person besides myself thought I should concentrate on school during my Torchwood break. You guys are awesome.

I think I'm going to start with Merlin (since it's less episodes), and then try Leverage and Battlestar Galactica over my spring break. I'm so excited! I might try and catch up on Being Human was well. \o/ again.

Now, for things less awesome:

BOO. I can't believe Hosea won. I know it's about food, not personality, but I would have truly been fine with either Carla or Stefan. I liked them so much more. >:[ And I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually agree with Toby, apparently he's pissed that Hosea won over Stefan. His methapors may suck but at least he has some sense. UGH. Carla or Fabio better when fan favorite. Also, apparently Casey is dissing on Carla. I think that merits another >:[

tv: top chef, flist powers activate!

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